Kaili Weather, Best Time to Visit Kaili, Guizhou


Kaili in China’s Guizhou Province enjoys a subtropics monsoon climate, characterized by mild and moist weather all over the year. There is neither too hot nor too cold in Kaili. The average temperature there is 13.6℃~16.2℃, which is very pleasant for vacations. July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 25°C, while January is the coldest with an average temperature of 4.6°C. Kaili rains a lot. As a local proverb says, Kaili rains every three days. Therefore, remember to dress layers and bring an umbrella with you no matter when you are going to visit Kaili.

Best Time to Visit Kaili, Guizhou, China

Rain, cloudy, or sunshine, Kaili is always attractive because its mysterious ethnic villages and ethnic groups are always there welcoming your visit - the best visit time is all a matter of deciding which season offers the kind of charm you want to experience. Hoping to avoid the crowds? You’d better avoid the peak seasons like the first week of May and October. If you are fond of a visit include a bit of everything, and then January, the months from March to June, October, and November are all good choices. Have your preference of best time? Get your best travel time from the “bests” below:

Best Time with the Most Profound Festival Atmosphere

Best Time with the Best Weather

  • Spring from late-March to late-June;
  • Autumn from late-August to mid-November.

Best Time for Photography

Best Time for Hiking

Peak Season with the Most Lively Atmosphere

  • Spring Festival (normally in February);
  • The first week of May;
  • The first week of October;
  • Weekends.

Low Season with Better Deals in Flights and Accommodation

  • December.

Hot Kaili Tours:

>> 5 Days Guizhou Miao & Dong Minority Essence Tour

>> 6 Days Guizhou In-depth Ethnic Tour with Jiabang Rice Terraces

>> 7 Days Best of Guizhou Tour with Nature & Culture Highlights

Average Kaili Temperature by Month

Month Recommended Rate Max Temp. Min Temp.
Jan. °C °C
Feb. °C °C
Mar. °C °C
Apr. °C °C
May. °C °C
Jun. °C °C
Jul. °C °C
Aug. °C °C
Sep. °C °C
Oct. °C °C
Nov. °C °C
Dec. °C °C

Kaili Seasons to Go

Though Kaili is featured with a moist weather all year around, it still has four distinctive seasons, including spring from late-March to mid-June, summer from mid-June to late-August or early-September, autumn from late-August or early-September to mid-November and winter from mid-November to mid-March of next year.

Kaili Spring (late-March to mid-June)

Spring is a pleasant time to visit Kaili!

The spring in Kaili usually starts from late-March to mid-June. By March, temperatures are already in 10℃ around. And by the late June, the temperature usually climbs up to 24℃ around. And you will get a bit of rain sometimes, but far from that severe to disrupt your outdoor plans.

With the temperature climbing, both Kaili downtown and the remote mountains will gradually be decorated with beautiful blooming peach flower, rape flower, cherry blossom, plum blossom… From late-March, Local ethnic groups in the villages near Kaili, like Xijiang Miao Village, begin to plough their land and field to make a good preparation to plant crops. And from late-April, they will move seedlings into the fields.

What to Wear in Kaili Spring

Light sweater and long sleeves are enough. And remember to bring a light coat with you because the early morning hours and night hours may be a little bit cold. Wearing comfortable walking shoes, and then you can enjoy leisure hiking from one village to another in the mountainous area. Umbrella and mosquito repellent are also musts.

Recommended Kaili Spring Activities

1. Hit some Miao Village and Gejia Villages/ to feel the charm in the ethnic culture. Xijiang Miao Village, Upper Langde Miao Village and Matang Gejia Village are all must-visits if you need some recommendations.

Hot Kaili Villages Tour:

>> 3 Days Kaili Minority & Cultural Experience Tour with Xijiang Miao Village

>> 5 Days Southeast Guizhou Ethnic Tour with Amazing Cultural & Hiking Experience

2. Join the groups of celebrators if you happen to visit Kaili during the festivals.

3. Enjoy leisure hiking near the villages in the primitive countryside.

4. Have a one-day or one-night stop at Xiasi Old Town, which enjoys reputations of “Little Shanghai” and “Pearl on Qingshui River”.

5. Take a side trip to the nearby Zhenyuan Ancient Town, which has a long history of nearly 2,300 years.

Spring of Xijiang in Spring

Farmland near Xijiang in Spring

Welcome Ceremony at Upper Langde Miao Village

Welcome Ceremony at Upper Langde Miao Village

Grand Festivals Held during Kaili Spring

Festivals Origins Celebrations Venue Celebration Time
(in Lunar Month)
Sister’s Meal Festival Ethnic Valentine's Day Young man sing songs to show their love and young women make colorful steamed rice as gifts to man. Shidong Town, Taijiang County(台江施洞镇) March 14th ~17th
April 8th Festival Show Miao people’s gratitude to the hard-working buffalos Sacrificial activities and singing, dancing, traditional instruments performance and so forth. Feiyun Cliff, Huangping County (黄平县飞云崖) April 8th to April 14th
Dragon Boat Festival A ceremony to worship the Dragon King for rain Traditional worship activities and exciting boat racing games. Gulong Town, Huangping County (黄平县古龙镇) May 24th to 27th

Note: Considering the difference of solar calendar and Chinese lunar calendar, the exact date of the festivals varies with year change. Besides, the celebration dates are subject to change for various reasons, like weather conditions. You are suggested to contact us for the real-time information if you are in need.

Kaili Weather in March

  • Temperature: 10.5°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 15.1°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 7.3°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 55.0 mm
  • Rainy Days: 15.9 days
  • Kaili Weather in April

  • Temperature: 16.2°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 21.3°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 12.8°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 121.5 mm
  • Rainy Days: 17.6 days
  • Kaili Weather in May

  • Temperature: 20.2°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 25.2°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 16.7°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 191.2 mm
  • Rainy Days: 17.6 days
  • Kaili Summer (mid-June to late-August or early-September)

    Though many China destinations like Chongqing begin to sound an alarm of “hot” in summer, Kaili is still in pleasant weather. Even in July, the hottest month of Kaili, the temperature is still in comfortable 25℃ around. Thanks to such a pleasant climate, Kaili is always a popular tourist destination to kill the summer heat.

    However, it doesn’t means that there is no need to make any recheck before your Kaili summer tour. Summer from late-June to early-September in Kaili is a very rainy season. It is said that about one third of the annual rainfall comes during summer, which replies possibilities of severe problems like debris flows to stop you from getting close to the villages hidden in the mountains.

    July and August are relatively more crowded than the other months and the prices for flights and accommodations go up significantly, because the summer holiday for students and teachers comes. The hotels may be sold quickly, so please book your hotel in advance as soon as possible if you are going to visit Kaili during these two months.

    What to Wear in Kaili Summer

    Summer clothes like T-shirt, shorts, sun-protective clothes are recommended. Wear your cat and sunglasses to prevent from the summer heat, especially during the noon hours. And bring your rain gears with you, because the weather in summer is changeable. Do not forget your Mosquito Repellent.

    Recommended Kaili Summer Activities

    1. Visit the ethnic villages of Miao, Gejia and Dong in the mountainous area to escape from the summer heat in the city. Xijiang Miao Village is the most popular one. Upper Langde Miao Village is more quiet and primitive. And Matang Gejia Village will show you another piece of charm that different traditional Miao Villages.

    Hot Kaili Villages Tour:

    >> 3 Days Kaili Minority & Cultural Experience Tour with Xijiang Miao Village

    >> 5 Days Guizhou Miao & Dong Minority Essence Tour

    2. Celebrate the festivals with the locals.

    3. Enjoy hiking and breathe fresh air among the mountains near the villages to cool the summer down.

    4. Try a small boat tour to cruise the rivers next to Zhenyuan Ancient Town or Xiasi Ancient Town to find the peace in your heart.

    5. Go to Miao Village Grand Canyon to play water and experience adventurous rafting.

    Xijiang Miao Village

    Xijiang Miao Village in Summer

    Matang Gejia Village

    Matang Gejia Village in Summer

    Kaili Weather in June

  • Temperature: 23.4°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 28°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 20.1°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 225.7 mm
  • Rainy Days: 16.5 days
  • Kaili Weather in July

  • Temperature: 25.5°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 30.3°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 22°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 174.1 mm
  • Rainy Days: 14 days
  • Kaili Weather in August

  • Temperature: 24.8°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 30.5°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 21.1°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 122.6 mm
  • Rainy Days: 13.9 days
  • Kaili Autumn (late-August or early-September to mid-November)

    Autumn is another pleasant season to visit Kaili.

    It is a relatively short period of time, which lasting for only 80 days around. During the former part of this season, the weather is similar to that in summer, with a little bit lower temperature. And in the later part of autumn, the temperature drops gradually. Frequent rains will show appearance, but never that heavy as in the summer. The trees are changing colors and the air has that crispness that makes it a perfect time for hiking in the mountains. Since all the ethnic villages are nestled deep within the mountains, it will be a very good idea to visit the villages and do countryside hikes in one go. Imagine walking along the countryside paths in an extremely foreign country, surrounded by local minorities chatting and harvesting their crops. Isn't it a fantastic experience that well worth to be memorized for a lifetime?

    What to Wear in Kaili Autumn

    T-shirt, thin sweaters, long pants and light jacket or coat are the best choices. And do remember to bring your umbrella and sun protections like sunglass and sun cream with you. Mosquito repellent is also suggested.

    Recommended Kaili Autumn Activities

    1. Hiking along the rice terraced fields of local ethnic groups. The hiking experience near Xijiang Miao Village and Upper Langde Village are the hottest choice, because you may encounter with the grandest harvest scene. Hiking to some little known villages like Qingman Miao Village and Xinqiao Miao Village is also recommended, but you’d better trek with an experienced guide or you may get lost.

    2. Stay more nights at one of the villages. The crowds gradually make returns to their home, and it is the best time to make an in-depth visit of the villages! Occasional festivals will hit during autumn, which may not held at every village but only one of them. It will be a special gift for you if you happen to visit during the festival.

    Hot Kaili Villages Tour:

    >> 5 Days Southeast Guizhou Ethnic Tour with Amazing Cultural & Hiking Experience

    >> 6 Days Guizhou Ethnic Minorities & Villages Photography Tour

    Jidao Miao Village

    Festival at Jidao Miao Village

    Grand Festivals Held during Kaili Autumn

    Festivals Origins Celebrations Venue Celebration Time
    (in Lunar Month)
    Climbing Festival Another Ethnic Valentine's Day Mountain climbing, bullfight, singing and meeting Xianglu Mount, Kaili City (凯里市香炉山) June 19th
    Double Ninth Festival To show the respects and love for the elders Lusheng and drum performance, bullfight and horse racing, etc. Sankeshu Town, Kaili (凯里三棵树镇) September 9th

    Note: Considering the difference of solar calendar and Chinese lunar calendar, the exact date of the festivals varies with year change. Besides, the celebration dates are subject to change for various reasons, like weather conditions. You are suggested to contact us for the real-time information if you are in need.

    Kaili Weather in September

  • Temperature: 21.5°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 26.9°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 17.9°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 122.6 mm
  • Rainy Days: 13.9 days
  • Kaili Weather in October

  • Temperature: 16.7°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 21.6°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 13.5°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 98.4 mm
  • Rainy Days: 13.6 days
  • Kaili Weather in November

  • Temperature: 11.7°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 16.3°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 8.7°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 53.8 mm
  • Rainy Days: 10.3 days
  • Kaili Winter (mid-November to mid-March of next year)

    Winter is cold in Kaili, but snow is rare appear. Even if there is a snow, it may stop before you know it. The coldest month of Kaili also comes in this season - January with an average temperature for about 4.6℃.

    The cold weather never stops the passion of pursuing happy life of the ethnic groups. With the cold wind blow over the villages, some of the biggest festivals of this region follow, amongst which Lusheng Festival and Miao New Year should never be missed.

    What to Wear in Kaili Winter

    Warm sweaters and jeans and overcoat or down jacket are recommend if you are going to visit the villages hidden in the mountains of Kaili, while think thick sweater and warm long pants are the best suggestions to visit Kaili downtown.

    Recommended Kaili Winter Activities

    1. Visit Kaili Minority Museum in Kaili downtown to learn the ethnic culture and history of this region.

    2. Enjoy the happy festival moments with local ethnic people.

    3. Appreciate an ethnic folk performance at Xijiang Miao Village.

    Hot Kaili Villages Tour:

    >> 6 Days Diverse Guizhou Tour (Guiyang / Kaili / Fanjingshan)

    >> 7 Days Best of Guizhou Tour with Nature & Culture Highlights

    Miao's Performance at Xijiang Miao Village

    Miao's Performance at Xijiang Miao Village

    Grand Festivals Held during Kaili Winter

    Festivals Origins Celebrations Venue Celebration Time
    (in Lunar Month)
    Lusheng Festival Celebrate the harvest and worship ancestors Play Lusheng (a kind of musical instrument made of bamboo) and dance with it, drink rice wine, eat sticky rice wrapped by bamboo leaves Zhouxi Town, Kaili City Zhouxi Town, Kaili City (凯利舟溪镇) It varies in different year, normally held in September or from January to February of the Chinese lunar calendar
    Miao New Year Celebrate the harvest and pray for the coming year Traditional music performance of Lusheng, bullfights, horseracing, etc. All the villages in Leishan County near Kaili It varies in different year, normally from September to November of the Chinese lunar calendar

    Note: Considering the difference of solar calendar and Chinese lunar calendar, the exact date of the festivals varies with year change. Besides, the celebration dates are subject to change for various reasons, like weather conditions. You are suggested to contact us for the real-time information if you are in need.

    Kaili Weather in December

  • Temperature: 7.2°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 11.6°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 4.2°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 10.2 mm
  • Rainy Days: 10.2 days
  • Kaili Weather in January

  • Temperature: 4.6°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 8.4°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 2.1°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 36.6 mm
  • Rainy Days: 14.9 days
  • Kaili Weather in February

  • Temperature: 7.2°C / 48°F
  • High Temperature: 10.1°C / 54°F
  • Low Temperature: 3.7°C / 46°F
  • Rainfall: 34.6 mm
  • Rainy Days: 14.4 days
  • How to Plan a Kaili Tour

    Kaili, though its name is not so famous among international travelers, is an important gateway to explore ethnic culture and villages with many primitive Miao villages surrounded. Travelers who are planning a trip to Guizhou Province, they would like to spend 2 or 3 days in and around Kaili City. The nearby highlights include Xijiang Miao Village, Upper Langde Miao Village, Matang Gejia Village, Qingman Miao Village, and more. If you have one more day, you can extend to Zhenyuan Ancient Town for further exploration.

    Since Kaili is located in the east of Guizhou, between Guiyang City and Rongjiang/Congjiang. It is a good idea to extend your Kaili trip longer that you can add Guiyang, Congjiang, Rongjiang into your Guizhou Kaili trip. No matter you come from Guiyang or from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, you won’t miss the most highlighted Miao and Dong ethnic villages in Southeast Guizhou.

    >> 5 Days Guizhou Miao & Dong Minority Tour

    For another part of travelers would like to do an overall Guizhou trip for more sightseeing in the hot destinations, they usually put Kaili in the middle of the trip and cover Huangguoshu Waterfall in Anshun City for one day, Mount Fanjing in Tongren City for one day... Just tell us your likes and interests, China Discovery is here ready to help customize your own Guizhou tour with best prices! Contact Us now.

    >> 6 Days Diverse Guizhou Tour (Guiyang - Fanjingshan - Kaili)

    >> 7 Days Best of Guizhou Tour with Nature & Culture Highlights

    Huangguoshu Waterfall Huangguoshu Waterfall Mount Fanjing Mount Fanjing


    Travel Kaili Ethnic Villages with China Discovery

    So there you have it, a quick look at the weather & seasonal activities in Kaili, Guizhou, China. Have you decided when to pay a visit? If yes, it’s time to check the flight and accommodation options now! And if you have any problem about your Kaili tour plan, please feel free to contact us for help. Our experienced Kaili travel consultant will tailor-make you a perfect tour with their first-hand knowledge of this region! The price is reasonable! The tour can be customized! And during the tour, you will travel from one village to another in convenient private car! Our guide will introduce you th

    If you still have troubles of Kaili weather & climate, we also welcome you to send an email to us for help.

    Xijiang Miao Village Xijiang Miao Village

    Average Temperature & Rainy Days of Kaili, Guizhou, China

    Average Temperature & Rainy Days of Kaili, Guizhou, China

    Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
    Avarage Temp. 4.6 6.2 10.5 16.2 20.2 23.4 25.5 24.8 21.5 16.7 11.7 7.2
    Rainy Days 14.9 14.4 15.9 17.6 17.6 16.5 14 13.9 11.2 13.6 10.3 10.2

    Recommended Kaili Tours

    Top 3 Kaili tours chosen by most customers to explore Kaili in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary,or tailor your own trip now with us.

    Panoramic View of Xijiang Miao Village

    3 Days Kaili Minority & Cultural Experience Tour with Xijiang Miao Village


    Fantastic Aerial View  of Fanjingshan

    6 Days Diverse Guizhou Tour (Guiyang / Kaili / Fanjingshan)

    Guiyang / Anshun / Kaili / Fanjingshan

    Upper Langde Miao Village Performance

    9 Days Zhangjiajie, Fenghuang & Guizhou Tour with Ethnic Culture

    Zhangjiajie / Fenghuang / Guilin / Longsheng / Sanjiang / Zhaoxing / Rongjiang / Kaili / Guiyang

    Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once inquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.

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