Forbidden City Photography - Top Photography Locations, Best Time & Tips

The Forbidden City, a magnificent imperial palace complex in Beijing, is a treasure trove for photographer lovers. Its intricate architecture, vibrant colors, and rich history offer endless opportunities for stunning shots. Our Forbidden City Photography Guide will provide you with essential information and tips to help you capture the essence of this iconic landmark. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting out, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to create breathtaking images that will last a lifetime.

Photography Rules in Forbidden City

To protect the historical artifacts and ensure a pleasant experience for all visitors, the Palace Museum (Forbidden City) has implemented the following rules:

No Tripods: Using tripods is generally prohibited.

No Drones: Flying drones within the Forbidden City is strictly forbidden.

No Commercial Photography: Without prior permission, commercial photography is not allowed. This includes professional photo shoots for advertising or commercial purposes.

Respectful Photography: Avoid using flash photography in sensitive areas, such as halls with ancient paintings.

Top 10 Forbidden City Photography Spots

Forbidden City is a nice place to take great pictures, there are countless spots for your choice. But among all, there are some top spots including some iconic shooting places to create your awesome works. Please check them below and know the best time and angle to catch the best image of the highlights!

Learn more about Best Time to Visit Forbidden City - Weather & Seasons Guide >>

Meridian Gate (午门)

Location: Entrance of the Forbidden City

Best Time: 1). Early Morning or Late Afternoon: These times often offer softer lighting, reducing harsh shadows and creating a more atmospheric mood; 2). Avoid Peak Tourist Hours: Crowds can obstruct your shots. Consider visiting during off-peak times to have more freedom.

Photography Tips: 1). Symmetrical Shots: The Meridian Gate's architecture lends itself well to symmetrical compositions. Position yourself in the center of the courtyard to emphasize the gate's grandeur; 2). Leading Lines: Utilize the gate's pathways and architectural elements as leading lines to guide the viewer's eye towards the main subject; 3). Panoramic Shots: If you have a panoramic lens or stitching software, consider capturing the entire Meridian Gate and its surrounding courtyard in a single shot.

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Forbidden City - Meridian Gate Our Guests from America Visiting Meridian Gate in 2017

Jinshui Bridge (金水桥)

Location: Between the Meridian Gate and Gate of Supreme Harmony

Best Time: As with most photography, the golden hour (the hour after sunrise and before sunset) offers the most flattering light. The soft, warm light can accentuate the color of architecture and create a magical atmosphere.

Photography Tips: 1). Reflections: The moat surrounding the bridge provides a perfect opportunity to capture stunning reflections. Experiment with different angles and compositions to find the most visually appealing shot; 2). Perspective: Consider shooting from different angles and perspectives to capture the bridge from various vantage points. Try shooting from above, below, or from the side to find the most interesting composition; 3). Panoramic Shots: If you have a panoramic lens or stitching software, consider capturing the entire bridge and its surroundings in a single shot.

☛ 3 Days Beijing Essential Short Stay Tour

Forbidden City - View of the Jinshui River View of the Jinshui River in Forbidden City
(Photo by Our Guest)

Gate of Supreme Harmony (太和门)

Location: Between the Meridian Gate and Hall of Supreme Harmony

Best Time: 1). Golden Hour: The best time for photography is during the golden hour, shortly after sunrise or before sunset. The soft, warm light will highlight the intricate details of the Bronze Lion and create a dramatic atmosphere; 2). Avoid Harsh Shadows: Try to avoid direct sunlight, as it can create harsh shadows that can detract from the Bronze Lion's details.

Photography Tips: 1). Rule of Thirds: Divide your frame into nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical lines. Place the Bronze Lion at one of the intersections of these lines for a more visually interesting composition; 2). Leading Lines: Look for natural leading lines, such as the path leading to the Gate of Supreme Harmony, to draw the viewer's eye towards the Bronze Lion; 3). Zoom in: Get close to the Bronze Lion to capture the intricate details of its carvings and the texture of the bronze.

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Forbidden City - Gate of Supreme Harmony Bronze Lion at Gate of Supreme Harmony

Hall of Supreme Harmony (太和殿)

Location: Behind the Gate of Supreme Harmony

Best Time: 1). Early Morning or Late Afternoon: These times offer softer, more diffused light, reducing harsh shadows and creating a more atmospheric mood; 2). Avoid Crowds: Arrive early to avoid the crowds, which can obstruct your view and make it difficult to get clean shots.

Photography Tips: 1). Symmetry: The hall is highly symmetrical, so consider using a wide-angle lens to capture the entire structure and its surroundings; 2). Elevated Viewpoints: If possible, try to get a higher vantage point, perhaps from a nearby building. This can give you a unique perspective and show the hall's scale; 3). Low Angle: A low-angle shot can emphasize the height and grandeur of the hall, making it appear even more impressive.

Learn more about Forbidden City - Hall of Supreme Harmony >>

Forbidden City - Hall of Supreme Harmony Our Guest from Canada Visiting Hall of Supreme Harmony

Lucky Beasts (神兽)

Location: Everywhere in the Forbidden City

Best Time: 1). Golden Hour: The best time for photography is during the golden hour, shortly after sunrise or before sunset. The soft, warm light highlights the intricate details of the Lucky Beasts; 2). Avoid Direct Sunlight: Harsh direct sunlight can create harsh shadows and reduce the depth of color. Try to find a spot where the sculpture is in partial shade or diffused sunlight.

Photography Tips: 1). Minimalist Background: Look for clean lines and uncluttered areas that complement the Lucky Beasts and keep the background as simple as possible to avoid distractions; 2). Contextual Shots: Consider including elements of the Forbidden City's architecture or other nearby attractions in your photos to provide context and add depth to your images; 3). Close-Ups: Get close to the Lucky Beasts and capture the intricate details of its carvings, patterns, and textures.

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Forbidden City - Lucky Beasts Our Guests Take Photo with Lucky Beasts

Nine-Dragon Screen (九龙壁)

Location: Near the Gate of Imperial Supremacy

Best Time: 1). Golden Hour: The hour before sunset offers softer, more diffused light, ideal for capturing the details of the carvings; 2). Backlighting: If you can position yourself with the sun behind, you can create a dramatic silhouette effect.

Photography Tips: 1). Close-Ups: The screen is adorned with intricate carvings of dragons, clouds, and other mythical creatures. Take close-up shots to highlight these details; 2). White Balance: The screen is painted in vibrant colors. Use a white balance setting that captures the true colors accurately; 3). Zoom in: Use a telephoto lens to zoom in on individual dragon and capture its details.

Learn more about Forbidden City - Nine-dragon Screen >>

Forbidden City - Nine-Dragon Screen A lifelike Chinese Dragon on the Nine-dragon Screen

Imperial Garden (御花园)

Location: Near the Gate of Divine Prowess

Best Time: 1). Early Morning or Late Afternoon: These times offer softer, more diffused light, ideal for capturing the delicate details inside the garden; 2). Golden Hour: The hour before sunset offers warm, golden light that can create a magical atmosphere.

Photography Tips: 1). Framing: Use the trees, rocks, or pavilions as natural frames to highlight specific elements of the garden; 2). Reflection: Look for opportunities to capture reflections in the ponds. These can add depth and interest to your photos; 3). Architectural Elements: Pay attention to the small architectural details, such as the pavilions, bridges, or stone carvings.

Learn more about Forbidden City - Imperial Garden >>

Forbidden City - Imperial Garden Pavilion of One Thousand Autumns in Imperial Garden
(Photo by Our Guest)

Gate of Divine Prowess (神武门)

Location: Exit of the Forbidden City

Best Time: For dramatic lighting and fewer crowds, consider visiting during sunrise or sunset. The golden hour light can create stunning silhouettes and warm tones.

Photography Tips: 1). Symmetry: The Gate of Divine Prowess is highly symmetrical. Use this to your advantage by framing the gate in the center of your shot; 2). Reflection: The moat offers a great opportunity to capture reflections of the gate and surrounding buildings. Experiment with different angles and apertures to achieve the desired effect; 3). Aperture: Use a wide aperture (low f-stop) to blur the background and create a shallow depth of field, focusing attention on the gate.

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Forbidden City - Gate of Divine Prowess Our Guests Take Photo at Gate of Divine Prowess

Corner Tower (角楼)

Location: Northeast/Southeast/Northwest/Southwest Corner of the Forbidden City

Best Time: 1). Sunrise and Sunset: The soft, golden light of sunrise and sunset creates a magical atmosphere. The northwest corner tower is particularly beautiful at sunrise, while the northeast corner tower is ideal for sunset; 2). Early Morning or Late Afternoon: Avoid the crowds by visiting early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Photography Tips: 1). Moat Reflection: Capture the towers reflected in the moat for a symmetrical composition; 2). Experiment with Different Angles: Try shooting from different heights and perspectives to find the most interesting composition; 3). Consider Using a Polarizing Filter: This can help reduce glare and enhance the color saturation of the sky and water; 4). Capture the Details: Don't forget to zoom in and capture the intricate details of the tower's architecture.

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Northeast Corner Tower of the Forbidden City Northeast Corner Tower of the Forbidden City

Jingshan Park (景山公园)

Location: Only One Street away the Gate of Divine Prowess

Best Time: 1). Sunrise: For stunning, golden-hour shots of the Forbidden City bathed in early morning light, visit just before dawn; 2). Sunset: Experience the magic of the Forbidden City silhouetted against a vibrant sunset sky; 3). Spring or Autumn: The foliage provides a colorful backdrop to the view of Forbidden City.

Photography Tips: 1). Panorama of the Forbidden City: The Pavilion of Everlasting Spring (万春亭), located at the summit of Jingshan Park, offers panoramic views of the Forbidden City and the central axis of Beijing city; 2). Wide-Angle Lens: A wide-angle lens is ideal for capturing the vastness of the Forbidden City and the surrounding landscape; 3). Composition: Incorporate elements like the park's trees, pavilions, and the moat into your composition; 4). Consider Using a Polarizing Filter: A clear day with blue sky will provide the best visibility, and a polarizing filter can reduce glare and enhance the color saturation of the sky and buildings.

Learn more about Jingshan Park >>

Panoramic View of Forbidden City Panoramic View of Forbidden City from Jingshan Park
(Photo by Our Guest)

Forbidden City Classic Tour

How to plan your Forbidden City trip

To explore the Forbidden City and the best highlights of Beijing, including Great Wall, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square and Hutongs, you need at least 3 or 4 full days, which is available up to 144 Hours Visa-free for Transit in Beijing. If you have more days, you can go for an in-depth Great Wall hiking or photography, and explore more hidden attractions in Beijing. We have helped many global travelers enjoy their memorable wonderful trips to Beijing for the past few years. You can find your favorite tour package from our valuable Beijing private tours collections.

As the most popular transportation hub in China, you can easily travel from Beijing to any other hot travel destinations in China by flight or train, such as Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, Zhangjiajie, Chengdu and other popular destinations in China. China Discovery has designed many great China tour packages from Beijing for you. Please make your choice from our collections or let us customize one for you.

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