Area Code & Zip Code

Area Code

The telephone system is grouped with area code which covers particular areas and cities in China. The area code is used when dialing a number outside the code area. When making a telephone (mobile phone excluded) from International countries to China, you should add Country Code, Area Code and telephone numbers.

How to Calling from your Counties (eg, from United States to Beijing)

  • 011 – US exit code, dial first for international calls made from the USA or Canada
  • 86 – Country Code for China
  • Phone Number
    (a) Fixed – Area Code (10 stands for Beijing) plus local number can total 8 to 12 digits. So the number you dial is 011 86 10 xxxx-xxxx. Please Note: If there is “0” in the first digital, you should remove it while dialing. For example, the area code for Beijing is 010, when you make the telephone, use 10 for the dialing code.
    (b) Cell phones (mobile phones) – 11 digitals and 1 is always the first digit. So the number you dial is 011 86 1xx-xxxx-xxxx.

When you use cellphone to call in China, there is no need to add any code before the 11 digital numbers.

Zip Code, Postal Code

Zip code or Postal Code is needed no matter you want to send post cards, letter and parcel from your countries to China or from China to your countries. Learn more details about Postal Service >>

Below is listed the zip code of the main tourist cities and counties and there are more specific number of different districts, streets and post offices for the last two digitals. For example, the zip code of Beijing is 100000, and the specific zip code of its Shunyi District is 101300. Normally, the detailed district and street zip code is not necessary.

China Post Card

Most Used Area Code & Zip Code in China


City Area Code Zip Code City Area Code Zip Code
Beijing 010 100000 Tianjin 022 300000
Shanghai 021 200000 Chongqing 023 630000

Special Regions

Region Area Code Zip Code Region Area Code Zip Code
Hong Kong 852 999077 Macau 853 999078

Other Major Cities of China (list by alphabet)

City/County Area Code Zip Code City/County Area Code Zip Code
Anshun 0853 561000 Lijiang 0888 674100
Baotou 0472 014000 Luoyang 0379 471000
Chengdu 028 610000 Leshan 0833 614000
Changsha 0731 410000 Tai’an 0538 271000
Datong 0352 037000 Nanning 0771 530000
Dali 0872 671000 Nanjing 025 210000
Dalian 0411 116000 Pingyao 0354 031100
Dunhuang 0937 736200 Qufu 0537 273100
Dujiangyan 028 611800 Qingdao 0532 266000
Fuzhou 0591 350000 Shangri-La 0887 674400
Guilin 0773 541000 Shigatse 0892 857000
Guiyang 0851 550000 Shenzhen 0755 518000
Guangzhou 020 510000 Suzhou 0512 215000
Harbin 0451 150000 Turpan 0995 838000
Hangzhou 0571 310000 Urumqi 0991 830000
Haikou 0898 570100 Wuhan 027 430000
Huangshan 0559 242700 Shiyan 0719 442000
Hohhot 0471 010000 Xian 029 710000
Jiuzhaigou 0837 623400 Xiamen 0592 361000
Jingdezhen 0798 333000 Xining 0971 810000
Jinan 0531 250000 Yichang 0717 443000
Kunming 0871 650000 Yuanyang 0873 662400
Kaili 0855 556000 Ya’an 0835 625000
Kaifeng 0371 475000 Zhangjiajie 0744 427000
Kashgar 0998 844000 Zhangye 0936 734000
Lanzhou 0931 730000 Zhengzhou 0371 450000
Lhasa 0891 850000

Recommended Tours

Top 3 tours chosen by most customers to explore in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.

CD-BXS-08 8 Days Best of China Tour

8 Days Best of China Tour (Flight/Bullet Train Covered)

Beijing / Xian / Shanghai

Barbara from UK visited Yulong River in September 2021

10 Days Classic China Tour from Beijing - First Touch of China

Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangshuo / Shanghai

Lovely Pandas in Chengdu Panda Base - Photographed by Our Guest Chona

17 Days China Paradise Tour with Tibet Discovery & Yangtze Cruise

Beijing / Xian / Lhasa / Chengdu / Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Shanghai

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Questions & Discussions

Following are latest questions and answers from our webusers and customers. You can learn many useful information from the discussion and cases. You can also join in the discussions or ask your own question. Our experts will help you ASAP.

code to call langxiang,china
i have a 10 digit number, what else do i need to call there?
2024-10-24 00:13
zip code
what area uses 065499 zip code
2023-01-17 05:42
Hi Karl,
065499 is the zip code of Xianghe County, Langfang City, Hebei Province (河北省廊坊市香河县). Hope it helps.
Jean at China Discovery
postal code, please
What is the postal code for:
Fuming Street, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

Thank you!
2021-11-24 06:04
Hi Sam,

The postal code for Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province is 315100.
zip code for
for Wuyi county, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Provice, China
2021-06-17 06:44
Hi Carol,

The zip code for Wuyi County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China is 321200.

Hope this helps and wish you a nice day! If you need any help about tours in China, please feel free to contact us!
2021-03-03 16:31
Hi Toni,

Thanks for your message. The zip code 251803 refers to Yangxin County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China (山东省滨州市阳信县). If you need any help to get there, or want tours to visit nearby Tianjin, Jinan, etc., please feel free to contact us!

Wish this help and may you a happy day!
postal code please?
Chaoyang District Beijing China
2020-11-24 16:12
Dear Jiri,
Thank you for your question. The postal code of Chaoyang District Beijing is 100020.
Have a nice day!
aera codes
aera code for guizhou,china
2020-08-26 00:52
Dear Martin,

Thanks for your question! The area code for China’s Guizhou province is from 0851 to 0859. The exact number varies according to different city of Guizhou. The area code for Guiyang, Zunyi and Anshun, for instance, is 0851. While the area code in Tongren, where the sacred Mount Fanjing is located, is 0856.

Hope this helps and wish you a nice day!