


Reviewed on May 25, 2020

Hi Wonder

I hope things are returning to normal for you and that the impact in your business of covid-19 has not been too depressing. Please forgive my tardy response, for which there is no excuse!

I flew from Shanghai to Saigon just 3 days before the flights were banned and managed to spend a great 4 weeks travelling through Cambodia and Thailand as well as re-entering Vietnam in Hanoi and touring back to Saigon for a week returning to UK on 22 February, where I completed 2 weeks of self isolation with my wife. As you will know we have been locked down for 9 weeks now so life is very different to how it was before I left for China back on 12 January! I have inserted my answers to your questions below and hope they are helpful to you.

1. Is your travel consultant of our company fast enough to answer your E-mail and patient enough to answer your questions?

Wonder Wang, at China Discovery, was very helpful and responsive to my questions and needs and I felt supported and safe in a strange land, especially during a period of uncertainty when I lost key documentation and needed to ensure its replacement before I left China, and also during a time when many around us were conscious of the emerging coved 19 pandemic (Mid to late January 2020).

2. How’s the service of the tour guides during your whole tour?

Very attentive and knowledgeable. Maybe it’s my age (67) but at times I found understanding their English a challenge but they were all patient with me and would repeat their explanations when I asked them to. 

3. Would you like to recommend our company?

 I have no hesitation in recommending China Discovery to anyone looking for a bespoke trip to the land of Wonder that is China.

Thanks again for all you did for me during the China leg of my trip. I had a wonderful time.

Take great care and best wishes


Destination(s): Beijing, Xian, Chengdu, Guilin, Shanghai, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 13, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Solo
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on April 21, 2020

Dear Mrs. Catherine,

thank you so much for your kind message and for all information!

My family and I are good, we live in Sestri Levante, a small city on the sea, about 50 km from Genoa, and here the situation is good, from May 3 phase 2 will start with some less restrictions.

The situation starts to going better also in Milan, Lombardia and Piemonte but all Italy is “red zone” without transit from one city/region to another city/region

I hope that 2021 will be our Tibet year!

And how are you? I suppose that everything is quite well in your splendid Country.

Kind regards


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on April 20, 2020

Dear Catherine,

Thanks a lot for your kind mail and pieces of advice. I do remember you and our wonderful trip to Gansu last November.

It's true France and other countries are now hit by the Covid-19 disease and many measures have been taken to flatten the curve of new cases.

We work at home for more than a month now, and this will probably continue for a long time.

The main issue was the lack of masks. The situation is getting better now but we still miss masks. As individuals we cannot buy some, they are indeed reserved for health professionals. I wish we could get disposable masks.

The positive aspect is that I had time to sort all the photos I took during our trip to Gansu. We hope to come again and discover other parts of China.

Thanks again for your advice and taking news.

Take care,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on April 17, 2020

Ni hao Rita,

I was very pleased to get an email from you today and know that you were safe. Our friends in Beijing have also managed to keep well by keeping isolated since January. They have a baby now so it was very important to keep well. My family and the group that travelled to Tibet with you are all safe and well. I am sorry about all the people that China has lost over the last few months to the virus. The world is a sad place to be at the present time.

In New Zealand we are entering our 4th week of full lockdown. We have all been required to stay home except for essential services. Supermarkets have stayed open but with strict distancing and only a few people allowed in at a time. This was fortunate as life would have been a lot different had the supermarkets closed. We can go out in the local area for short walks or runs for exercise but other than that police are being very strict on people who have no reason to be out and about.

We appear to be winning the fight so far as we have only had 11 lives lost and around 1500 people infected. This because our lockdown came very early and almost every New Zealander has stuck to the rules and kept apart. We also closed our borders early and it doesn’t look like anybody in New Zealand will be leaving the country or people from other countries coming here for quite some time. Possibly years. Our success in keeping the virus out, so far, means we will not have immunity to it but we have saved a lot of lives. The government will make the decision on Monday if we come out of full lockdown and what the new rules will be.

How are you in Chengdu? I hope your beautiful city has been well in the current time and suffered only a little. We hear little of how things are in China other than the numbers. I note from your attachment about Personal Protection information that your approach has been very similar to ours including policing measures and governmental control. We have done it mainly by co-operation and few have been fined or arrested for disobedience as most are in agreement with the measures taken and our government has kept us fully informed as to what is happening on a daily basis.

Stay Safe and well. Please keep me up to date with how you are. Hopefully both our countries are over the worst and we can begin contact again.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 17, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 15, 2020

Dear Rita,


Thank you for sharing us information about the COVID-19 published by the authoritative medical institution in China.

We and my family all are safe. We managed to work from home since last month now. My town where am I living there in Saudi Arabia "AlQatif City" is quietly safe and under control of COVID-19. with only minor cases comparing to other city in Saudi Arabia and. We have followed the instruction and policies from our government to avoid affecting and spreading of COVID-19.

Thank you for your communication back and hope situation will improved and if so we might return back to china for another tour visit in the future.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 15, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 14, 2020

Hi Rita,

Thank you so much for your warm greetings!  We do follow all good suggestions to protect well ourselves. Now all of our partners work at home and the Canadian government supports financially almost every Canadian and SME.  

一切会好起来的!Ca va bien aller!

Keep safe!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 14, 2020

Hi Rita,

Thanks for your information about Covic19.

We are all going well. Our country is coping From this pandemic well, we are social distancing now, only go out for groceries.

We will all pray pray pray that this Covic 19 will soon be over and that they will find the vaccine. Hope the world will be better tomorrow.  


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 14, 2020

Thank you Rita. I happy that things are returning to normal in China. I have great respect for your people and society and hope to visit again someday.

Stay safe.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 14, 2020

Hi Rita,

It’s been awhile ago that we spoke to each other. How are you? Im okay.

Since the COVID-19 here in Netherlands im staying at home everyday, it’s been a month now since the lockdown in Netherlands, Kinda long staying at home and not going to work. hehe 

Thank you very much for your concern and your information. 

Hope you and your family are all fine and that no body got infected with the virus. Yeah that’s true no one want to see another break out again. So hopefully its will be over soon but am doubting that, maybe over few months. 

Also take care of yourself and your family and still be careful in public.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 14, 2020

Dear Rita,

Thank you very much for your message and kind words of advice! We are living unprecedented times and we are doing our best to cope with the situation. My wife and I are currently based in Dubai for a number of years now. We still remember fondly our trip to China and the fantastic beauty we have found there, as well as your great service throughout the trip.

We are looking forward to returning someday, especially as we have seen just a little part of your country. We have not been to Shanghai for instance and I am sure there are also other national wonders like the Zhangjiajie Park which remains for us the highlight of our trip in China. If we do, be sure to contact you as our agency of choice.

Stay safe and healthy and have a great day!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 14, 2020

Dear Rita,

Thank you for your most informative email.

It was wonderful to hear from you. I have passed your information onto my husband who is a general practitioner in our country.  He will share it with all of his colleagues. 

We are fortunate here in South Africa at this time, we seem to have managed to flatten the curve of COVID-19. That is not to say we has decreased the curve. We are currently under a 35 day lockdown which may be extended.  

My daughter and I hope to one day visit your beautiful country again. 

Sending you and all your family much strength during these uncertain times. 

Stay safe!!

Warm regards 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 14, 2020

Dear Ms. Rita,

That is very thoughtful of you. I hope you and your team are doing great as well. We are in this together, and let's hope for the best to come soon so we can resume our business. Send my regards to everyone there and thank you for checking on us.

Thanks & Regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita
Harry & Patti

Harry & Patti

Reviewed on April 13, 2020

Hi Echo,

It was good to hear from you and see the recommendations that your experiences in China have yielded for handling the current Covid-19 pandemic. Patti and I are well and have been staying at home during the past 3 weeks. Our State government has had "stay-at-home" orders during that time. I went out yesterday to buy our week's food and wore face mask & gloves as is recommended by our Government now. I have not been able to work since dentistry has been deemed non-essential so no paycheck, but we are well. 

Stay well.

Harry & Patti

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 11, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on April 13, 2020

Hi Rita,

Thank you so much for your mail. We really are in a chaotic situation in the world right now. I'm sorry about the deaths in China and I hope you and your loved ones are healthy. Here in Sweden it just gets more and more stressed. More and more are dying and the hospitals is overcrowded. Hopefully it'll end soon.

Thank you for the pdf. I'll send it around. The authorities in Sweden are a bit quiet about a lot. I dont think they want to cause panic so they doesn't tell us about everything. It's mostly people from hospitals that talks to media who gives us the right information about the situation. And also information from other countries of course. So thanks again, I really appreciate this.

Keep safe,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 11, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 13, 2020





Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 11, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 13, 2020

Hi Rita,

Thank You so much for the kind email. Please that all is getting back to normal, we will see the light in 314 more weeks until the virus has run its course. Our economy has taken a beating. Fortunately we are in the infection Control business and sell high quality hand antiseptics for over 25 years to hospitals.

We are established however our supply chain for manufacturing is disrupted and prices are going through the roof.

Keep well and one day I will return for anther adventure in China, I enjoyed my trip very much!

All the best and will start wearing a mask in the grocery store.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 11, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 13, 2020

Hi Rita,

How nice to hear from you. We have great memories of Chengdu and Tibet. Unfortunately we are not permitted to leave Australia and people returning are placed in quarantine for two weeks. We don't know how long this lockdown period will last. People think it might be until October.

Kind regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 13, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on April 11, 2020

Hello Catherine,

Thank you so much for your kind email!

I was actually thinking about you several weeks ago! I am glad you are doing fine!

We are good here in Houston .. but  we did got affected bad too!

I hope the best for China and your family! I will go back to China next Spring to visit!

I would like to go to Guilin and the surrounding area ..please advise us where to visit .

Sincerely yours 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 11, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on April 10, 2020

Dear Catherine,

This is Cheryl Rout, you have from time to time mixed up my email with Gary.

So glad to hear you have come through the otherside of this terrible virus.

We are in lockdown here, but looks like things are improving.

I think of all the lovely people I met on my holiday in China and how it has affected us all.

Thank you for our beautiful holiday this time last year. It was perfect.

Please stay safe and thankyou for your email.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 10, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Catherine
Anne and Louis

Anne and Louis

Reviewed on April 9, 2020

Dear Wing, 

It was really lovely to receive your email. Thank you. We really appreciate your concern and your help by sending us the information about protecting ourselves from COVID-19.

We are both well thank you. We are mostly staying at home as advised by our Government. We don't have full lock down but most people are staying at home unless they are still working or they have to go out to do essential things like food shopping, visiting the pharmacy or Doctor. We are still allowed to go out to exercise but all gyms are closed and most parks and beaches are now closed. Everybody 70 years and over and anyone with a chronic health condition are advised to self-isolate at home the majority of the time. 

We are following China's example. Many people are getting fines for not social distancing. The strict rules seem to be working. We will wait and see. 

We hope you, your family and colleagues are well. We hope that it won't be too long before we can visit China again. 

Best regards from Anne and Louis. 

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 9, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Wing
Mrs. Anne

Mrs. Anne


Reviewed on April 7, 2020

Hello Mike,

Thank you for your email and your kind words of advice.

I will pass on your information to those around me.

I am grateful that my husband and I could see such a beautiful part of China late last year before the virus hit.

Hope you are keeping safe and well.

We are beginning to experience lock down here in Australia to prevent the virus from spreading.

Hope to be able to make it back to China one day.

Kind regards,

Mrs. Anne

Destination(s): Zhangjiajie, Hunan, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: November 27, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mike


South Africa

Reviewed on April 6, 2020

Dear Mr Mike Liu,

It is my pelasure to hear from you again. I am glad that you and most people in your country progressively defeating the virus.

I hope that everything will be back to normal in a very short time.

Please keep in touch.

Thank you and best regards,


Destination(s): Yangtze River, Chongqing, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: November 24, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mike


Reviewed on April 6, 2020

Hi Mike!

SO GOOD to hear from you. Congratulations on your country’s management of Covid-19. Yes, you have given us a good example and we hope to learn from your experience. Thank you for your well wishes.

Kind regards


Destination(s): Beijing, Zhangjiajie, Yangtze River, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: May 31, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mike
Richard and Marianne

Richard and Marianne

Reviewed on April 6, 2020

Dear Wing Zeng,

So sweet this mail!! Thank you so much.

We are doing fine, we are healthy. Work from the house and going only to the supermarket.

Luckily for us, we have a garden, so we can sit outside and Enjoy the Sun in spring. At least till the end of this month it Will stay that way. We think it Will be the same in May. It has to be done, no doubt About it.

Hope you Enjoy the freedom again and have the trust it is okay.

Take care, also for your familly and friends,

Richard and Marianne

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 6, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Wing



Reviewed on April 3, 2020

Thanks Mike;

Our hearts go out to the people of China. We sincerely hope that the situation in China, and the rest of the world gets back to normal soon.

We sent a package of N95 masks to one our tour guides several weeks ago, as a small token to show our appreciation for her efforts while we were in China, and to show our concern for the well-being of her family.

Thanks very much for sending the information and suggestions about dealing with the virus. We are starting to experience many of the same problems that the Chinese people faced when the virus first started to spread, and your suggestions will be most helpful.

Best Wishes,


Destination(s): Shanghai, Beijing, Xian, Shaanxi, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: December 26, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mike


Reviewed on April 3, 2020

Hello Catherine,

Indeed. Thank you for your message and yes I remember you perfectly J.

I am now in Reunion Island where we have a lock down, like you had in China before. We have 341 cases for 830 000 inhabitants so it’s ok and hopefully it will stay like that.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 6, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on April 2, 2020

Dear Zeva,

I want to thank you for your truly exceptional customer service. You have been very helpful through this entire process.

If we should be able to reschedule a visit to China in the future, I will certainly use your services, and I would happily refer my friends and associates.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 2, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Zeva


Reviewed on April 1, 2020

Hello Johnson,

Many thanks for your warm greetings and concern while we undergo our trials and tribulations with Covid 19. Thank you also for offering to mail masks to us. Lucky we were well prepared, having been living in HK during SARS and bird flu.

I also passed your email on to other family members and they too thank you for your concern.

New Zealand is in lock down, day 7 and so far, all is well. We ourselves are managing very well in self isolation. There is plenty to keep us busy within the home – work, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, cleaning out cupboards and I am doing my keep fit via video. A sign of the current times, but hopefully in 3 weeks, all will be well again.

Take care, ad best wishes.


Beryl Chung

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 1, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Johnson



Reviewed on April 1, 2020

Hi Mike,

Thank you very much for this information. We find that the problem is getting more and more serious in Thailand. I am sure the information you sent will be helpful for us here.



Destination(s): Beijing, Harbin, Heilongjiang, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: December 21, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mike



Reviewed on April 1, 2020

Dear Mike,

Thank you for the extra touch and update on the current situation in China.

Very proud to watch how China combat the virus so expediently! China is indeed a good role model for the other countries to observe and follow.

Let's continue being vigilant and not be complacent about the situation.

Bless you and your family.

We look forward to our trip next March.

Kind Regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 1, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mike



Reviewed on April 1, 2020

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your lovely mail. This epidemic was badly managed by some countries, they thought just like SARs only Asian were affected. However due to their complacency whole world faces lock down.

Good news is in China the epidemic is under control. However due to continue epidemic tourism business are badly affected for indefinite period.

I am aware personally you are affected. How do you manage your situation.

We over here experience drop in business but not as bad as during SARs.

We manage somehow through experiences to overcome this epidemic through reducing expenditure prudently.

Lets us all pray for Divine intervention for mankind to globally overcome this terrible situation soon.

Many thanks for your mail.



Destination(s): Yangtze River, Chongqing, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: October 21, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Mike


Reviewed on April 1, 2020

Dear Ms. Wing Zeng.

Thank you for your kind considerations. We are all healthy without any corona symptoms.

Once again, thank you so much for organizing such a wonderful China tour for us. Everything was perfect: The guides, the hotels, the meals, just everything.

And thank you for the useful coronavirus prevention handbook.

I hope everything is fine for you and your family, as well.

Best regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 1, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wing
Elmira and Nick

Elmira and Nick

Reviewed on March 31, 2020

Dear Wing!

We are very glad that everything is OK with you and hope all your colleagues and families are healthy!

Thank you so much for your kind attention and very useful information, which will be shared with our relatives and friends. 

We are OK but at the moment we are in self-isolation at home because of the quarantine measures and looking forward to coming back to normal life.

Keep safe and healthy.

Have a nice day,

Elmira and Nick

Destination(s): Shanghai, Yangtze River, Chongqing, Zhangjiajie, Yunnan, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: December 10, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Wing
Deborah and Steve

Deborah and Steve

Reviewed on March 31, 2020

Dear Wing,

We have been wondering how the wonderful people we met are getting through this crisis. We are glad to hear that you are well. We hope that you and your family and friends can stay healthy.  

We are well and are living near our son and his family who can help us. My sister in California said that no one is allowed out of the house except for food shopping or something necessary in order to live. Last week 3.3 million people applied for unemployment benefits in our country. So many businesses are closed.  

We hope to travel again and will contact you when it is again possible to see other countries.


Deborah and Steve

Destination(s): Beijing, Xian, Luoyang, Chengdu, Yangtze River, Shanghai, Suzhou, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 15, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Wing


Reviewed on March 31, 2020

Dear Wing Zeng,

thank You very much, the masks arrived to my son yesterday THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH…now I am very much more quiet and peaceful about them three! 

You send so many masks, Thank You ! And once again I am very grateful for the sacrifice You are making, because I am aware the masks are expensive and it’s difficult to find tem in these so hard times.

As I already told You in the past, I am very sorry that my so poor English does not permit me to better explain how much I am touched, and moved, for Your

Kindness, and generosity: I wish You were here to hug You and Your Family and….but I have not so big enough arms to do…all the Chinese People.

I really do hope that in the future You should visit Italy (or we can come to Chengdou) so I will thank You more properly.

Now You are sleeping in the middle of the night, and I wish You are doing sweet and happy dreams…the night is going to finish, and a brand new happy day is going to rise…Good Night little big hearted Wing…thank You.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 31, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wing


Reviewed on March 30, 2020

Dear Rita,

Thank you for your message and that is very positive news it was lovely to hear from you too. Thankfully we are all fine at the moment and just staying at home away from everybody as the government says.

China is the most beautiful county and one day Glenn & I will return to explore more of it.

Take care of yourself 



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 30, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on March 30, 2020

Dear Wing Zeng,

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in providing the very useful information on Covid-19. It is greatly appreciated.

All our family are well and in good spirits despite the unprecedented times we are living in. We are now in lockdown in Ireland until at least Sunday 12th April. It is difficult but we hope it will save lives and contain the virus.

We also hope there will be a medical breakthrough soon to eradicate the virus.

Thank you again for all your kindness.

Take care and stay safe and well.



Destination(s): Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: October 13, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wing


Reviewed on March 30, 2020

Thank you Vivien! This is very kind of you. I have passed along this information to my friends and family, and am taking serious precautions myself. I am glad to hear that things are getting better in China, and hopefully things will get better soon here too. I have fond memories of my time in China, and am glad I got to visit before the spread of COVID-19. Take care!


Destination(s): Yangtze River, Chongqing, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: August 21, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 28, 2020

Dear Vivien Li,

thanks for your email. I have a good memory of China which I think is one of the countries that I liked most today for the courtesy of its inhabitants and the tourist beauties, as well as being one of the most advanced in the world.

You have dealt with the coronavirus problem seriously and with determination and you can be an example for many other countries.

In Europe we are not as good as you but we hope that our politicians will learn from you.

I hope everything will pass and I will still have the opportunity to visit your beautiful country.


Destination(s): Xian, Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Zhangye, Silk Road, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: May 28, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 28, 2020

Hello Jack,

Thank you so much for thinking of us we are doing ok here I hope you and your family and friends are ok. Thank you very much for sending this I will pass it on to my friends and family, it is very kind of you. Thank you again.

Kind regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Jack


Reviewed on March 28, 2020


特别謝謝你! 我們很喜歡你記得我們。



你生産了孩子,祝賀你們!我們在微信看過你們一起的照片 :) 你的公司,現在有沒有顧客?現在,你工作還是放育兒假了?


Elena, Anton

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 28, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Livia


Reviewed on March 27, 2020

Thank you Jack for your email advising on corona virus and updating on the status of the virus in China. We are also following the case not only in China but all over the world. We hope that a vaccine is found soon so that the economy can return to normal. I can understand that the tourist industry is hard hit and hope that China Discovery/Tibet Discovery is able to maintain its operation until this problem is resolved.

Glad that you have read the ongseokkim website. If you so wish, recommend it to your colleagues, friends, family, etc to read. As my father's original root and thus my root is China, our history may be of interest to people in China especially those with surname of Wang.

With peace and harmony


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 26, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Jack
Cathy and Cyril

Cathy and Cyril

Reviewed on March 27, 2020

Dear Echo Gou.

It is a surprise and a delight to get your message and advice regarding Covid 19.

Cathy and I are being very careful and following the advice of our Government who are doing an excellent job for the people.

We follow world news also. 

Please thank your colleagues for caring about us. PLEASE tell all the wonderful guides who cared for us 2 years ago in a most memorable holiday and adventure that we think about them and wish them well.

Take care of yourself and each other.

Kindest regards

Cathy and Cyril

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 27, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on March 27, 2020

Dear Rita:

Thank you for your email. 

It is good to hear that matters are improving in China. Here in Manila the virus is only just beginning to take its toll.

One of the doctors at the hospital that recently treated me for a minor cancer has died from its effects and most of the others at that hospital are now under quarantine. Many more people will die in the coming weeks. Because of my age (over 60) the local authorities do not allow me to leave my apartment -but that is fine with me as it will force me to write up material I have been meaning to write up for some time now.

Once this is over I sincerely hope to get back to China - this time covering Xining and Chengdu. Always on the search for rhubarb growing in the wild! And when the virus allows that to happen I shall be in touch with China Discovery. The last trip you organized for us was excellent.

Best wishes


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 27, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on March 27, 2020

Dear Rita,

Thank you, good to read you. Actually I am well aware about the progress in China. Originally I had been invited to lecture to GACC staff in February in Sanya. But in the future the Chinese colleagues will rather teach me … they gained so much experience.

Meanwhile I continue as an advisor to WHO but otherwise am very careful. Will certainly let you know if I need some assistance - but not right now as China closed the border to foreigners (like everybody else).

Continue to take care - all my best wishes to you, your family and colleagues,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 27, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita
Barbara and David

Barbara and David

Reviewed on March 27, 2020

Dear Rita, 

Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful email. We are glad to hear that you and your colleagues have kept well at this time and we also hope that our guides Cheri, Sandy and the others, who gave us such a wonderful holiday in your beautiful country, are also keeping well. Here, in South Africa, we have just gone into a three week lock down in the hope that this will help to defeat the spread of the virus. 

Here’s hoping that next year we can look at options for another visit to your amazing country.

Kind Regards and Best wishes

Barbara and David

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 27, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on March 27, 2020

Hello Wendy!

We are really glad to hear you're fine, I hope all of your guides and your fellows are safe and healty too.

We are very concerned with this pandemia, in the north of our country the situation is really critic, in our places we are quite safe, everybody, but we take everything very seriously, we don't exit home but to collect food and what we need, a few people is allowed to work....everything is in lockdown.

Let's hope this will go better soon!

We would thank you so much for your kind thought, and for these useful informations you've sent us, we appreciate so much and we will tell friends and family.

Thank you again, we will come back to China as soon as possible, your Country is great!

Stay safe, you too


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 27, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy
Molly Sharp

Molly Sharp

Reviewed on March 26, 2020

Hi Leo,

I hope you and your family are healthy. I know the tourism industry has been hit hard in China, but I read in the news that life is getting back to normal.

My family is safe here in the US, and I am fortunate to have a remote job during these times. Since everything is picking back up in China, I would be happy to finally write a review for you. I apologize, I have forgotten where I was to write that review, can you please send again?
Take care,

Molly Sharp

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 26, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Leo


Reviewed on March 26, 2020

Hello Vivien,

Thank you for your email, our family is well. Canadian cities are now under lockdown except for essential workers. Canada is a country with only 33 millions people spreading across a vast land mass. We have a good public healthcare system but it cannot handle a spike in COVID-19 cases. In order to keep the hospital available to the seriously ill people we all stay home to practice social distancing.  

In light of all the bad news around the world it is unlikely we’ll come to China anytime soon. Please keep yourself safe and keep in touch.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 26, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien
Lou and Valerie Coggia

Lou and Valerie Coggia

Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Echo, thank you for your email and the document on safe procedures to help avoid the virus.

I hope you and your family are doing well.

It appears that China has gone through the worst part of the virus. China took some tough measures to prevent of the virus but they were things that had to be done. Americans marveled at how quickly China built hospitals to add much needed beds.

Again thanks to you and our guides and drivers for the wonderful experience we had in visiting your country.

Lou and Valerie Coggia

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 24, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Dear Wing,

So sweet of you to get in touch. It's a very difficult time for everyone. I'm glad you are returning to some normality in China. We are so lucky to have taken and enjoyed our trip last year.

Wishing you continued good health and luck for the coming year.

Kind regards


Destination(s): Hong Kong, Shanghai, Xian, Chengdu, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: August 12, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wing


Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Hi Dear Vivien

Thank you very much for the important information. Fortunately we the group are all well

Israel is a small country and we hope to succeed. 

At this stage Corona is present. We admire the Chinas success

Best wishes


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: August 12, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Hi Vivien,

Thank you for your kind letter. I hope that you and your family are well. 

I can imagine how difficult it is for travel industry to go through this crisis. 

How long Wuhan has been under the lockdown? Are there any effective medication against the virus? 

We are now in a total lockdown. We’ll see how the UK will be effected by that. It is difficult for everyone. 

Stay well and healthy.

Best wishes, 


Destination(s): Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Yangtze River, Chengdu, Guilin, Hong Kong, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: April 9, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien
Carol and Bill

Carol and Bill

Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Hi Vivien,

Many thanks for your email, kind wishes and guidance documentation.

I will read with interest and forward to my family.  

I hope you and your family were not affected with COVID19 and it is good to note that it appears to be coming under control in China. 

Here in the UK our figures are gaining momentum and we have just moved into the “stay at home” phase with guidelines and key restrictions.

On a positive, we have very fond memories of our time in China last year and are so pleased we were able to visit.  We wish you and our tour guides all the best, continue to keep safe.

Kind regards 

Carol and Bill

Destination(s): Beijing, Xian, Zhangjiajie, Guilin, Shanghai, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: May 16, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Dear Leo Li,

We are happy for your people that the coronavirus in China is retreating. It gives people living in Belgium hope. 

We wish you all good health. 

With love,

Elizaveta and family

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 24, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Leo


Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Hello Vivien,

Thank you so much for your note and for thinking of us during these strange and difficult days. It is so encouraging to know that things are improving in China, and we hope they will soon here as well. I hope all your family is well. We remember fondly our trip on the Yangtze River!

Helen Mazarakis

Destination(s): Yangtze River, Chongqing, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: May 22, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien
Chris & Jude

Chris & Jude

Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Hello Vivien,

Thank you very much for your warm wishes and for sending this information. It is an interesting read and it does very much agree with the advice we are getting here in the UK. Yes, we are well but as we are in the early stages of the pandemic here in UK it remains a worrying time.

Of course, we have also been watching the situation in China and are pleased that things seem to be moving back towards normal. Our daughter Stephanie who works in Fuzhou was at home in the UK for a month following the outbreak and the closure of public schools in China after the New Year celebrations. She intended visiting for just one week but while she was home the outbreak spread around China and so she remained here. Her school have started teaching on-line and she has been able to do that.

Hearing that the situation was starting to get better in China, she was anxious to return and so she left home on the 15th of March. Unfortunately, she arrived in Haikou, en-route from Hong Kong to Fuzhou, and was caught by the 14-day quarantine for passengers arriving in China that started last Monday. She is now one week into her enforced stay before she will be allowed to fly to Fuzhou. However, although obviously a bit lonely, she is well and quite comfortable in the hotel, and is able to continue her on-line teaching. She is due to continue her travel next Tuesday, 31 March, and is now looking forward to re-joining her colleagues. And it does seem that she left here just in time as we are now starting a period of lockdown.

We do still have flights booked for a future visit to China in May but we have not made any plans yet because we do not know if we will be able to travel. If we can travel then we will contact you nearer the time to help with bookings – no doubt it has been a very quiet time for you recently.

It is a very difficult time for everybody. We are doing our best to heed the advice, as no doubt you have done. Thank you again for your message and we send you our very best wishes for the future.


Chris & Jude

Destination(s): Shanghai, Xian, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: August 31, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 24, 2020

Thankyou Vivien and the team,

My mum and I are in Spain where I live and we have been in total lockdown for 11 days now and have at least another 19 days, we have to stay at home other than going to supermarket for essentials or pharmacy.

We loved our cruise and I actually wrote a blog about our whole trip so other people can do it and I added a link to your company

I am glad to hear it is improving in China and hope this passes quickly so next year we can come back to your lovely country


Destination(s): Yangtze River, Chongqing, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: September 13, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 23, 2020

Thank you Echo,

That is very kind and thoughtful sharing this advice with us in the UK.

It also gives us some cause for optimism to hear how China is recovering after the worst of the epidemic.

Sadly in the UK we are entering the most challenging period of escalation & virus spread but at least you kind advice gives us hope.

Many thanks and I look forward to being in contact again in happier times.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 23, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on March 23, 2020

Dear Echo – Thank you so much for your helpful information and kind wishes. This is a truly terrible crisis facing humanity and we must all work together and support each other to overcome it.

Wishing you, your family, friends and country good health and best wishes for a brighter future

Best wishes


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 23, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on March 23, 2020

Hi Wonder,

we all pray to get out of this situation alive and we hope to be able to return to our travels that enrich us so much culturally and open our minds!

Best wishes


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 23, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder
M. Ángeles Hernaiz

M. Ángeles Hernaiz

Reviewed on March 23, 2020

Dear Echo,

Thank you so much for your advise and for remembering us.

My country is currently under attack of Covid-19. We are all at home and in alarm status but we are confident that we will overcome it, like your country.

All the measures you’ve described are been already adopted.

Thanks again and good luck.

M. Ángeles Hernaiz

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 23, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on March 23, 2020

Hi Echo, 

Thank you for your email and for the information you shared, and I'm very glad to hear from you that things in China are slowly starting to get back to normal! That is great news. Unfortunately I think things in the US are still going to get worse for a while yet. In California we have been in a stay at home order for the last few weeks, but all of the states are handling it differently and not much is being enforced. 

Looking forward to all of this being behind us, and hoping that it will spurn some positive changes in the future for how we handle something like this again. I hope you and your friends and family all continue to stay safe and healthy! 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 23, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on March 23, 2020

Hi Mark,

Thank you so much for your concern.

I try to keep up with events and am aware that outside of Hubei province, many of the new cases in China are from people returning home. We have a similar situation in New Zealand where the majority of our cases are people returning to New Zealand or people they are in isolation with.

We now have 102 cases in New Zealand and no deaths. On Wednesday the whole country will go into lockdown with only essential services operating.

There has been a lot of extra buying of food and medical supplies but we are a food exporting country and we are assured there will be no shortages. The only shortages have happened in some areas where there was panic buying . This caused supermarkets to sell out and they had to wait for the next delivery to restock their shelves.

We are well prepared. New Zealand has earthquake problems so households are regularly reminded to keep emergency supplies. Our lock down will be for 4 weeks so we did get a few extra things but we are told supermarkets will be open for supplies.

New Zealanders are well used to lots of freedom as we are a small democracy with lots of space and we are a very mobile country. It will be interesting to see how New Zealanders respond to the restrictions. I am optimistic for my countrymen because we have a strong tradition of community support for one another.

There has also been a lot of information circulated about appropriate behaviour .

Thank you for your consideration in sending information about staying safe.

As tourism is our major earner of overseas income our economy is under major pressure. Fortunately governments have been prudent with budgets for the last couple of decades and so the economy has some resiliance. 

I hope you and your family are all well and in good spirits.

I believe the Chinese have a saying "May you live in interesting times"

I think we have that.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 8, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Mark


Reviewed on March 23, 2020

Dear Mark,

It is good to hear from you. Firstly, yes I can confirm I received the refund thank you. 

It is also very encouraging to see chinas progress in fighting COVID-19 - thank you for the informations. I think many lessons can be learned. 

Australia is at the beginning stage with shut downs commencing. We are hopefully that with discipline we can also overcome these challenges. My husband and I are well. We staying isolated as are many others, in an effort to avoid the virus. 

We look forward to returning to China in the future and joining for this cruise! Maybe in 2021 (my China work contract finished so we would come back as tourists). 



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 23, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mark


Reviewed on March 22, 2020

Thanks wendy for your email. My location has a “shelter in place “ order so we are only supposed to do essential chores like grocery shopping but still allowed to perform solo activities like walk my dogs, ride my horses. 

Glad China is getting a handle on the Coronavirus situation. USA is still work in progress. 

Hope you and your friends and family are well. 

The world will get through this, hopefully sooner than later. 

Take care!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 22, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy
Brian Tucker

Brian Tucker

Reviewed on March 22, 2020

Thank you, Wendy, very kind of you to send this. I’m in California, currently under a “stay at home” policy. I hope the virus has truly been brought under control in China, and that your travel business will fully recover as well.  Not sure when I’ll be visiting China again, but I hope it can be soon.

Brian Tucker

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 22, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 22, 2020

Hi Riley,

I am pleased to hear from you and to know that most people in China have been able to defeat the virus and everything is slowly but surely going back to normal.

Thank you for your email and also for the information about Prevention Coronavirus Disease (COVID 19).

I , my family and friends are doing well here and hope that everything is going well with you, your family and friends in China.

Take care and God Bless you all,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 22, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley
Kathren Knigge

Kathren Knigge

Reviewed on March 22, 2020

You are so very nice to send this Catherine! I will read and give out to my friends. We live in a small city in the middle of the US so we hape that we will see very little of the Virus from travelers. But we are staying cautious. I am so glad you are doing well! Please send our best to our guide!

Kathren Knigge

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 22, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on March 22, 2020

Hi Riley,  

Thank you for the update and information. So glad to hear that China has had no new cases. Though you have suffered a lot, it looks like all your efforts have paid off.  It's encouraging to see how China is defeating the virus.  

My family and I are staying at home. We do not go out at all unless absolutely necessary. We are also vigilant about washing our hands, not touching our faces, etc.  We are hoping that we will be able to contain the situation.  

It was so thoughtful of you to email me. At times like this, supporting each other and working together is so important. Be safe!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 22, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley


Reviewed on March 22, 2020


thanks so much! This is a super-mindful message, and in times like these, it matters more than ever. 

Here in Italy, we are holding up, and taking an example from you. It is inspiring to see how you managed to move forward, and I hope soon we'll be able to do the same. 

Hope to have the chance to visit again sometime in the future. 

All the best, 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 22, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Echo
Candy & Laurie

Candy & Laurie

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Dear Wendy:

Good morning.

I hope that you are safe and free from Covid19.

We, for the time being, are not sick and your recommendations are very well appreciated.

Our son, who was going on the trip with us, is arriving this Sunday March 22 from the United States and he will be quarantined for 14 days.

We are learning to live with this new disease, limiting many activities but if it is for onehealth it is worth it.

Hopefully in the near future Covid19 will be "defeated".

Our trip to China is not canceled but is on hold. When we do travel, we will definitely do it with you.

Please stay in touch giving us any advice. You are experts from who we can learn.

Best regards

César Pérez

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Wendy, thank you so much for your valuable information. Here, in Spain, all people in their homes.

My best regards


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Thank you for your message Wendy. I hope you and your family and friends are also keeping well in these difficult times.

Kind regards


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy
Mr. Lu

Mr. Lu

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Ms Dan,

It is quite encouraging to receive your warm greetings and advices. It helps to appreciate human caring touch to  realize life is precious and we all need to do anything within our power to go through crises together, in this case the common threat of the global virus spread, to survive.
You and your fellow Chinese citizen has shown to the world your determination to effectively contain the outbreak and I hope that effort will continue to put the threat of the virus completely under control.

We are now facing the beginning panic and anxiety of what China had experience. We are living in a different society with different priorities and therefore, the outcome can be quite different to what China has done. However, I do believe that one can start to help the community by doing everything possible to stay healthy. So, your advises are very helpful to remind us, what we can do individually.

We will overcome!

Thank you very much and stay safe and healthy!

Please extend my lucky wishes to all you know!

Take care!

Mr. Lu

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Wendy,

I’ m glad to known about you and I thank you for your attention.

I hope this pandemia ends soon and I expect to travel another time  to China and Japan.

Best regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy
Carol and Russell Pitts

Carol and Russell Pitts

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Dear Wendy,

Thank you for thinking of us and for this very good information. We have heard much of it. We have also been following the news of China’s recovery and are happy for you; it encourages us. We do not want the virus to break out in China again either. We also read that China shared it’s research about the genome sequencing from the last SARS outbreak which is helping scientists work on a new vaccine for COVID-19.. We are thankful for that. It’s a good thing when diverse people work together to find solutions.

We are doing the same things here—staying home as much as we can and using protection measure when we must go out. But people are suffering too. We are eager for life to return to normal.

Warm regards,

Carol and Russell Pitts

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hello Wendy. We are good but obviously facing the terrors and uncertainty of the weeks to come.

I hope you, your family and all staff are well.

Thank you for your information as it is useful and gives a glimmer of hope for us all.

Take care


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy
Barb and Tony Dalwood

Barb and Tony Dalwood

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Thank you Wendy,

It is great to hear that you are well.

It does sound as if you have done a great job of containing the impact of Covid19! 

In these uncertain times it is good to  have sound advice snd strategies to manage!

We were in Spain for 1 week of a long planned holiday of Spain, Portugal, France and finally to Germany! We came home after only a week and are now Self Isolating for 2 weeks!

We are wondering what Travel in future will look like .....and when it will happen!

We are so grateful to have done what we did last year in China and be able to look back at those wonderful memories!!

We thank you for your part in putting that trip together! It was spectacular! 


Barb and Tony Dalwood

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi, Wendy

What a joy to receive your email.

Lately I thought a lot about you, the tour guides and the Chinese people that I love a lot.

Here we are starting the war against Coronavirus, unfortunately I am at risk and our government will not be as efficient as yours.

Angelica and I had a trip scheduled for early May to Portugal, everything was canceled, but if everything goes well, we will go as soon as we win this battle, according to Convid 19 and we are already scheduled for 2021, we
will return to China.

Thank you very much for your information.

Let's keep in touch.

As Brazilians are used to writing at the end



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy
Maurizio Tordini

Maurizio Tordini

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Dear Riley,

thank you for your words.

The situation, here in Italy, is not easy right now but all the measures that our Government are taking are the best ones to guarantee the containment of the virus.

We just need to staying in our home, trying to relax and wait until the beginning of April. Indeed our Government is trying to prevent worse scenarios, but we all need to do our part. Everything will be better, we just need to be patient :)

Best regards

Maurizio Tordini

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley
Lee and Phil

Lee and Phil

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hello Riley,

Thank you for your advice, there were a couple of things in it that I was not fully aware of.

Here in Australia it is only now becoming something that people are taking seriously. I think we are in for a very rocky road ahead.

Phil and I are following the recommended safe personal distances and are staying home as much as possible. We live in a quiet area and on a large block, so we are very fortunate to be able to distance ourselves from our neighbours. We are also very fortunate to have wonderful neighbours and our street has established an email network for information/tips/etc and most have offered to help others if the need arises.

We are very grateful that we did our travel in China when we did and that we missed the impact of the virus. We feel for the people affected and hope that China is able to quickly recover and return to normal soon.

Regards and best wishes

Lee and Phil

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley
Ms Lowe

Ms Lowe

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Thanks .. Riley for the useful info

Yes our humanity have a very hard and difficult task in the past and coming months

We need to learn how to respect animals and never let this event repeat again

Hope in the very near future. We can find vaccines for this virus and all back to normal

I am still auxiliary want to come back to China to visit lots of other beautiful places.

Take care and stay safe

Ms Lowe

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Wendy, 

Thank you for your greetings and information, we in Canada are trying our best to fight this virus.

You guys 加油,China will be my first place to visit after the world put the virus under control!

Take care,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hello Miss Wendy,

Thank you for your helpful information on the "Virus".

We are staying home except for necessary tasks until the situation is appropriate. 



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Dear Wendy,

It is great to hear from you and know that you are well. Yes. We are all well. 

Thank you for your caring and a detailed good advices for protection of Corona Virus.

Based on the current situation, all countries are advising all people to self isolate and stay at home. and some countries banned travel and social meetings. 

So that all tourist companies & airline are impacted. In the near future or until it clearer, not many people will start having holiday any sooner.

Are you impacted by this?

Anyway, please take necessary protection to protect you and family. And take a good & long rest after a few years busy and hard work.

You deserved a good break !!!

take care


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Wendy,

What a great website and great news for China!

Here we are still getting it under control. Our state government has put a stay at home policy into effect so it should be contained soon. Can’t wait.

I’m tentatively planning the trip for September. 

Be safe yourself!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wendy


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Wonder

Your email was a lovely thought. You, your family, colleagues and the people of China have certainly been through a very difficult time.  It has been wonderful to see how the country rallied and supported the measures that have seem such amazing results.  Well done!!

Thank you for sharing your suggestions.  We all need to support each other to ensure that the rest of the world can soon be in the same position of control as China!

All the very best to you Wonder

Warm regards Liz

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hello Rita,

What a wonderful surprise it is to hear from you! :) Thank you for thinking about me during this very uncertain time. Here is Hawaii, we have 26 confirmed COVID-19 cases. My husband Started working from home since 3/17. I am a dental hygienist so my office has cancelled all my patients for the next 3 weeks. My boss is following CDC & American Dental association guidelines.

I am happy to hear that you are safe & healthy.

I am so grateful that my husband & I were able to visit your country. I LOVED China so much. We had wonderful weather & clear skies. We had purchased a pack of N95 masks that we took to China but never used. I have yet to have need to use it during this COVID-19.

I have enclosed a couple of pictures of our tour of Yellow Mountain. I wish I could be back there one day again!

You were such a pleasure to work with!

Take care Rita!

Cheers from Hawaii,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita
Ann and Ken

Ann and Ken

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Mr. Wonder,

Thank you for the e-mail letting us know you are well and providing an update on the situation there.   We’re looking forward to the day we can feel the threat from the virus is over.  Hopefully, we’ll all get together to capture the lessons-learned and best practices, so we’re better prepared for the next time.

One request would be a current picture of your baby or babies?  We still think back fondly on our Silk Road trip that you expertly arranged for us.  We were at Angkor Wat and in Thailand over the Lunar New Year and sadly few tourists were there.  Hopefully tourists will quickly regain their confidence to travel again.

Again, thanks for thinking of us. And remember, if anyone asks for a recommendation of your services, we’ll respond!

Best wishes, Ann and Ken Wilkinson

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Wonder,

Thanks for sharing the guidance on how to fight the Coronavirus.  Now is  the toughest time for all people in the world. 

We are so glad to hear that people in China are ok now  and businesses are now back in normal.  Hopefully, together we can find the cure for this virus so that people can be safe. 

Stay Safe!

Best Regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder
Carmen Dominguez

Carmen Dominguez

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Dear Ms. Lyn Wang,

We are all doing well. Hope you and  your family and friends are fine, too.

This is indeed a moment of great apprehension all over the world. 

We are aware of the news worldwide and our governors are taking severe measures to fight this terrible and deadly virus. The number of people who have contracted the virus is increasing here and surely your suggestions are very useful.

Thank you for thoughtfulness and attention. I will certainly send my friends your kind words.

I hope things get better soon.

Best regards,

Carmen Dominguez

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lyn
Rene' Pizzo

Rene' Pizzo

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hello, Rita.  I am happy to hear from you.  I have worried about you, and Jason, and the young man who was our driver, and your friends, family, and co-workers during this pandemic, especially in the early days when so many people were dying. 

Thank you for the list of suggestions.  Our governor of our state, Oregon, asked residents to stay home for the next few weeks, possibly through April.  We are staying home with the exception of grocery shopping.

Our trips for the next few months have been cancelled (I had a trip planned to see Jordan and Egypt).  One thing I am happy about is that I was able to visit your lovely country last year for two weeks.  I met nice people, saw beautiful sights both in the cities and in nature -- especially the wildlife, had good food and lodgings, and was impressed with the bullet trains. 

Blessings to you, too.

Rene' Pizzo

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

HI Lyn

Thanks for your suggestions. We are so happy to hear that China has come out of the crises in such a short time.. We are still struggling here.  We wish you and your family as well as China Discovery staff all the best..


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lyn


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Rita you are such a sweetheart!

Thank you for thinking of us.  We are all ok- my 14 yr old boy loves not having school, my 19-yr old girl is with my parents in TX taking on line classes, and my 21 yr old man is finishing college on line and graduation is cancelled. :(

Thank you also for sending me this very informative information.

All the best to you and your family.

We all think of our wonderful trip every day & have beautiful photos on our walls to remind us how much we loved China.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita
Dee Ann

Dee Ann

Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi Wonder,

Truly appreciated the information that you sent me.  I am looking forward to normal circumstances in both our countries.  A planned visit to China April 12 was cancelled.  I had planned to visit the Panda Reserve with a fairly large group tour.  Will have to add that to my list—-perhaps with the Yellow Mountains.

Dee Ann

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 21, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 21, 2020

Hi! Yanny, I am fine. My family is also fine. Glad to hear from you. I hope everything is fine with you and your family.

Thanks for the sharing of the information on the prevention of Covid-19 virus. It is definitely good information to follow. I am glad to know China is able to control the spread of Covid-19 and things are getting better day by day. Many other countries are facing challenging time include Malaysia where the number of new cases are increasing quickly daily. My government has to impose Movement Restriction Order (a bit like the lockdown in China but people still able to go out to buy things during the day but police have road blocks every where to check) to control the spread which I believe is the right thing to do. I look forward to the day where nobody will be infected by this virus and hopefully the vaccine will be make available soon so we can get protection from this virus.

Hopefully in a few more months’ time, the Covid-19 will be a thing of the past and we can travel again and definitely I will go to China again as it has so many nice places to visit.

If you do come to Kuala Lumpur, please let me know and I will be most happy to meet up.

Take care and stay healthy.

Best regards,


Destination(s): Yangtze River, Chongqing, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 8, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Yanny


Reviewed on March 21, 2020


Thank you for asking about our well being and providing the attached information. 

Family is well here and I assume your family and colleagues are well too. It is just a mess globally and the initial wave of infection is just hitting the US. The US is very unprepared and being the most powerful country in the world it is a shame.

All our travel plans are on hold until this all clears up but just dont know when? There are so many places to visit in China, we will contact you when the time is right and hope to see you again in Chengdu. 

Till then, take care and stay healthy

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 30, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Wing
Amanda Ong

Amanda Ong

Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Riley,  

Glad to hear from you. I have recently read the news, where China has zero new domestic confirmed cases. Which is a good news!

Also, thanks for the concern. As of now, the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Singapore is getting controlled, where most of the new confirmed cases are imported cases and a few linked cases from clusters that have been traced.

However, to combat the widespread of COVID-19, we were advised by the Singapore government to defer all travel plans till further notice. This is to contain all possible spread of the virus. Hence, for the travel plan, we will temporary put it on hold.

We believe that with more socially responsible citizens all around the globe, we will overcome the virus soon!

Thank you and have a nice weekend ahead!


Amanda Ong

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley
Domizia Sorrentino

Domizia Sorrentino

Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Riley,

Thank you very very much for your mail, I really appreciate it as you may know that we are in serious difficulty here in Italy.

I hope that after all this it will be possible to organize a trip in your wonderful country.
Best regards,

Domizia Sorrentino

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Lily,

Nice to hear from you. Thank you for your email. We are doing fine, Canada has about a 1000 cases so far, but we try to stay safe. Hope situation will improve in couple of months (usually it takes about 3 months for Corona virus) and vaccination is on the way,

Thank you,

Stay safe!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Lily!

Thank you so much! You have been in my thoughts often, and I am glad you are ok.  Yes, these are challenging times ahead and I hope we all pull through safely. I will share this information with everyone I know. Wishing you and yours all the best and hope to talk to you soon! 

Thank you,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Franca Bergoglio

Franca Bergoglio

Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hallo Lily,

Last year, with my cousin Roberto Bergoglio and his wife Anita Maletto, I had with 'China Discovery' a nice holiday in China.
We remember well the beauty of the country and the kindness of our guides. 

We are now very sorry for the bad news from China and we hope that all of you is well. 

We are sure that these difficult moments will soon be over.

Cheer up!

Franca Bergoglio

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Hector Alonso

Hector Alonso

Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Rita,

first of all, thank you very much for the information. As you probably know, the situation in Spain is becoming more severe every day and we are still far from having this under control.

We are all currently locked at home but for buying food or medicines and travel to work, but the use of the mask is not so spreaded as it is in China (I noticed from the information you sent that this is very important).

I hope you and your families hadn't suffered from this and a quick recovery for those who are still affected.

Luckily, we could visit your country when it was still possible and we have very good memories from the trip. We'll keep promoting China as a travel destination because (I promise you) we really loved it.

Thanks again for your mail. I really appreciate it.

Kind regards

Hector Alonso

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hello Rita,

Thank you for contacting me to share your concern. I remember my wonderful trip to China to visit my son Jeremy in 2015. You were so helpful in helping me plan the Yangtze River cruise. Now the world is at war with the horrible Coronavirus. I am safe in Boise, Idaho with my father who is living with me. In my state of Idaho, there are 24 cases. All people are staying home and restaurants, schools, bars, businesses are closed. Thank you for the helpful information. We must hope and pray we fight and win this war with the virus.

I send hopeful wishes for all of us


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Rita, 

Hope all doing well. We were really worried about you all, 

It's good to hear that vaccine are under trial, and recovery is heading great and controlled there at China. 

Are all personal guides ( Teena, Jhon, wendy, christry) and drivers doing  well? 

We are missing those days. 

Wish that this phase should End soon and everyone gets healthier and happy Again. 

Good to hear from you Rita. 

Take care. Be in touch. 

And yes, we will follow all the instructions as mentioned.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita
Louis Chiu

Louis Chiu

Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Wonder,

Greetings from California.  Thank you so much for your heart warming email.  My family and I deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness. 

All of us are doing fine and no one is in danger.  Our oldest daughter is an emergency room physician.  She has a rather challenging job on her hands, but so far she is doing well and taking all precautions.

Tonight our Governor has just issued an emergency executive order to have all citizens in California to stay home, except for law enforcement and emergency personnel.

My wife and I have been staying inside our home close to a week now because of our age, we are the high risk groups. We are doing fine.

Anyway we hope this crisis will go away soon, just like China defeating COVID-19.  

Again we thank you for your care and concern about us.  We wish you and your family are safe and well.


Louis Chiu

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Thank you Lily. Right now we are stuck at our home in Lina Peru. The government closed the boarders so we can t get back to the US. But we are good just everyone is on quarantine.  I have not canceled out flights and we still are considering travel to China but we want to see how things progress. When do you think China tourism will start to return.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Angie & Avi

Angie & Avi

Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Wonder and family,

How have you and your family gone through the miserable time?

Thank you very much for reaching out to us and sending us this informative letter. It is very kind and thoughtful. 

We are doing the very best we can to protect ourselves and staying away from our grandchildren, which is not easy! Avi has essential work so continues to go to work, otherwise most people are home. Schools, restaurants, theaters, cinemas and more are closed.  Many of the restaurants are trying to survive by preparing take away food. Either to be collected at the restaurant or sent with a messenger.

It is not an easy time but it is encouraging to to hear what has happened in China and that things are now under control. Hopefully there will not be another wave.

Blessings to you too!

Sincere regards,

Angie & Avi

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Wonder

Great to hear from you.Perola and I were hoping that things would improve in China quite quickly and good that things are picking up once more and you can start getting tourists back into your magnificent country.

Best wishes


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Wonder,

Thank you so much for your nice email.

We are fine, and hope the same for you.

Yes, in Italy the situation is very bad. China’s experience, example and direct support are hopefully guiding us out of this crisis, but we are not able to apply such strict measures as you did, so it’s not clear how far is the peak yet.

And unfortunately all the rest of Europe is going through the same path.

What is amazing is that until it happens to you, you don’t understand, When we heard about China we felt supportive, but everything seemed to be so far away, and when the virus started spreading across Italy, the other European countries looked at Italy as a weird case and felt absolutely safe!

It’s good to hear that everything now is stable in China, thank you again for sending the document.

I wish you all the best

Take care


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Wonder, thank you for sharing this important information with us. My daughter who traveled to Beijing 101 has been in constant contact with her exchange student and her host family and they have been very helpful in providing much needed information. We keep them in our prayers and follow all the recommendations they have made. We are hoping that all Americans can do the same as we love to travel and would like to see this pandemic eradicated. We do hope to return to China and visit some of the areas my youngest daughter was able to see. She speaks so fondly Tiger Leaping Gorge. 

Be safe to you and your family,


P.S. your new baby should be crawling and getting ready to walk soon.

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Wonder!

Thank you so much for your email. It's so nice to have support from so far away!

I'm very happy that everything is more stable now in China. I really loved to visit your country.

Luckily we and our families are good, at home passing the 2 weeks "quarantine" but ok. Thank you for the information.

Kind regards,



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Mr Wonder Wang, thank you very much for your email! I really appreciate it and I am happy to hear that you are alright! I was thinking also the past months about you and the lovely people in China that I met last year, if you are healthy and well. Now the virus came to Europe and in some places, like Italy, it is vey terrible. We stay here at home and working home office. We still have food but we do not have masks and disinfectant! I use after save lotion to clean my hands. A lot of people also still think that Covid 19 is only a flu... I hope the scientists will solve the problem soon and our life will be normal again. I also hope to come to China again, I like China so much! 

I hope we hear again each other in the future, stay healthy.

Best regards 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Wonder,

Thank you very, very much for your message!

I must tell you that we were very worried about you, your family, and the families of all the very nice people we got to meet thanks to the wonderful (no pun intended !) trip you organized for us and which we cherish in our memories. We are extremely happy to hear from someone inside China that the situation has evolved very positively and that you feel that the crisis is on its way to be soon over in your country.

I believe that, contrarily to some other Western countries (Italy, Spain, the USA...), Belgium has tried to learn in a timely fashion from the Chinese experience with the novel coronavirus and that we are reasonably well prepared. Still, we are now in almost complete lockdown and life goes on in a very restricted way to limit propagation. Many of the recommendations in your document are already in force, but I shall distribute it to our circle of family and friends, since information resulting from the experience in China is obviously extremely valuable to us. We are also very grateful to China for the medical supplies your country has recently sent to supply our hospitals and our fronline medical staff.

We sincerely hope that the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis won't be too painful to bear for the Chinese people and both Monique and I wish you all the best and a speedy return to "normal" life!

Yours sincerely,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Wonder


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Vivien, thank you for your kind email with the attachment for handling Covid-19 on a daily basis. It is great to hear that you and people in your province are getting some normality back in their lives.

This week the Australian Government has banned all International travel to and from Australia. In Australia we have had over 400 people test positive to Covid-19 with six deaths so far. We will get through this by being cautious and sensible and following your guidelines.

I can’t wait to visit your beautiful country next year!!

Stay safe, regards Trevor    


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 20, 2020


Thanks a lot. Msia is in movement restriction now. I have been working from home since Monday. Hopefully things will be back to normal in a another month or so. I just can’t wait to go travelling. My husband & I have been visiting China once or twice a year since the last 10 years or so. 



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Vivien


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Hi Leo,

Thank you for the thoughtful update. You are a special young man. I sincerely hope you and your family are well and have avoided this terrible virus. I am so sorry for the impact this has had on your business. I realize the hardship this has caused you. I will keep you in my prayers.

With Sincere Regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Leo


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Thank you, Johnson.

We wish you and your family continued good health.

Our families have been fortunate and have not been sick.

But we miss visiting China on one of your trips.

We hope to do so soon.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Johnson


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Thank you Johnson for your kind thoughts and helpful information. We have been asked to stay here n our homes and not go out except for essential services. Hopefully this will help in controlling the spread of the virus.

We still plan to visit China if this virus runs its course and it is safe to do so. Thank you for your concern.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Johnson


Reviewed on March 20, 2020

Dear Jack,

I hope you are well.

Thank-you very much for your advice it is very useful.

I hope you and your family are safe and I hear that in China things are getting better.

I wish you all the best,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Jack


Reviewed on March 19, 2020

Hi Ariel,

The prevention list is great!

Now the eye of the COVID19 storm has past China and is approaching US.

We are in partial lock down here in San Francisco and cannot go out unless is for food, medicine or necessary supplies.

Restaurants are closed except take outs.

We were in a Chinese restaurant this past Saturday and Sunday for take outs and there were zero customers inside. And that is before the lock down :-( .

I am still interested in coming to China for vacation but maybe later.

I will let you know


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 19, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Ariel


Reviewed on March 19, 2020

Thank you Riley,

That was very kind of you to inquire about my health and send the recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

I am in good health, but self isolating. I will share your attachment with family and friends. I am happy to know China has survived the worst of this. It will be harder for other countries affected to enforce the same level of control.

Best regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 19, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley


Reviewed on March 19, 2020

Thank you so much Riley. I really appreciate you sharing that with me. I will forward it to Lana as well. We are all dealing with this outbreak now and We’re learning new things every day - the information from China is very helpful. I hope you and your family are doing well and that we can figure out how to contain this!

Thanks again,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 19, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley


Reviewed on March 19, 2020

Dear Lyn,

what a nice surprise to hear from you!

We are fine, me and my family are quarantined at home. 

We are following the rules of our government, and I think we'll make it.

We still remember the nice trip we made last year thinks to your help.

I hope you too are in good health, and your relatives.

We see China as a great example now, and I hope we'll be able to get out of this nightmare and be able to travel again.

I wish you all the best and thanks again for your email and good hints.

I'm also worried about your job, that without tourist must be suffering a lot.

Thanks a again

Xie xie

Antonio, Gianna, Andrea and Luca

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 19, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lyn


Reviewed on March 19, 2020

Hi Yanny,

Thank you for your email and for having taken the trouble to prepare the very useful advice note to share what you have learnt in dealing with the virus in China.

It has now spread around the world and in the UK we are just about to start to experience the worst of it as the numbers infected are beginning to rise dramatically. It seems the whole of Europe and much of the rest of the world is going into lock down with borders being closed and curfews against people gathering together being imposed. Here in the UK, all schools are to be shut from tomorrow and summer examinations cancelled, all sporting events, music and theatre shows etc. have been cancelled, travel is restricted, everyone is being asked to work from home wherever possible, airlines are grounding most of their planes and every person over 70 years old is about to be told to go into total isolation for at least the next 12 weeks.  Our hospitals and health service have cancelled all non-emergency procedures and engineering companies are being asked to change their production and to immediately start manufacturing oxygen ventilators for the hospitals as fast as possible. We have never seen anything like this before but when something like this happens, it shows that it doesn’t matter what country we are from as we are all just citizens of the world.

It is very encouraging to see that China now seems to be over the worst and is slowly getting back to normal. My daughter Sarah is still in Shanghai having spent most of the last 8 weeks in isolation in her apartment, so she is very happy that things are getting better in China. But she will now have the problem of how to get home to the UK as her contract and work visa will expire soon.

I hope you and your family and colleagues have all survived unscathed and your life and business will soon get back to normal.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 19, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Yanny


Reviewed on March 19, 2020

HI Yanny, 

Thanks for the great information. My hometown (Malaysia was lock down 14 days) . My Families needed to be stay in house to protect the virus. will pass down your grateful info to my families. for my self, since i work in Singapore should be not affected right now but i have to protect in well too. 

You take care too, send me a blessed to your family's. After virus gone, lets plan another trip to meet you up. 



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 19, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Yanny


Reviewed on March 18, 2020

Hi Lily!

I hope everything is swell on your end, and you & whole family are healthy!

We have received your attachment with many thanks. I’ve been meaning to send you postcards during my travels, but due to the recent virus outbreak, the trips had to be cancelled. ☹

The situation is not so good here in Indonesia. A lot of our local citizens tend to have a low awareness of COVID-19 and its danger. People are also selling surgical masks at insanely high prices. I am glad to hear that China is already recovering though, and hoping my and other countries can follow suit sooner rather than later. My colleagues, family, and I have been trying to keep our hygiene by washing our hands regularly and keeping hand sanitizer at all times.

Stay safe and thanks for your concern again!

Warm wishes,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 18, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Mary H Thieme

Mary H Thieme

Reviewed on March 18, 2020

I am sure you have been through very difficult times also, but it gives me hope here that the USA will also survive!

Stay healthy!

Mary H Thieme

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 18, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Christopher and Ellie

Christopher and Ellie

Reviewed on March 18, 2020

Dear Catherine,

Thank you so much for your email. China has done amazingly well and now seems to be leading the world on controlling Coronavirus. The advice is very much appreciated. We know several people (friends, colleagues and family) who have caught the virus and are now in isolation, but so far in our household (with our newborn baby) we are still well.

The UK is now almost in lockdown - the majority of people who are able to are working at home (except, notably, for supermarkets, school workers and health workers). I hope these new measures will be effective.

Hope your family and colleagues are well. Best wishes to you all.

Christopher and Ellie

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 18, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on March 18, 2020

Hi Jack,

TQ for good advice. Hope all of you and family at ChinaDiscovery are fine.

Here in Malaysia, the number of cases are increasing. Our government had just ordered a lockdown for two weeks-no travel outside home except for emergencies and for food.Except for essential services, all businesses also closed. Hopefully it will not have to be extended after that.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 18, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Jack
Honora and Brendan

Honora and Brendan

Reviewed on March 18, 2020

Dear Jack,

Thank you for your thoughtful help and advice at this time. Much appreciated. We are happy that things in China have improved and you and all Chinese are an example to the rest of us. Soon it’ll be the anniversary of our holiday in China. We frequently look at the photos and remember all the beauty we saw and the kindness of the people. Brendan and I are being very cautious. Our daughter lives with us and she is very caring and amusing and we cannot ask for more. Our leader, Leo Varadkar Is an exceptional person whom we trust and appreciate. This too will pass. I hope you and your family are all well. Also the excellent company you work with will no doubt emerge again and will we wish you all the best. Kindest regards.

Honora and Brendan. 

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 18, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Jack


Reviewed on March 18, 2020

Hi Jack,

I hear China continues to recovery from the Virus. I'm happy to hear that and hope you remain well.  

The US has begun to respond strongly to the outbreak. Asking all people to work from home if possible, closing businesses, cancelling large gatherings, closing schools.  My company has asked us to work from home so I am working from home for the next 4 weeks. Unfortunately, testing is not available unless the person has symptoms, recently traveled, and is at high risk. They are working on releasing more test kits and slowing the spread of the virus.  My thoughts are with Italy and other countries that are fighting this terrible virus.

My best wishes to you and the people of China for you continued recovery.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 18, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Jack


Reviewed on March 18, 2020

Thank you, Riley. We are actually in Canada, and I don't know how different the responses are in Canada versus America. Wearing masks is a rare thing here generally--but, now masks have been sold out at stores so I think a lot of people are wearing them, to protect themselves and others as well as possible.

We are in the city of Edmonton, but where we live is more like a suburb, with space between the houses and in the neighborhood, so hopefully ok to go out without masks. Still, we are staying home except when someone needs to go out.

I'm very glad to hear no one you knew caught the virus!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 18, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Riley


Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Hello Lily, 

Thanks for your mail. I am glad to hear you and your family are well. And that the situation is stabilising in China. 

I am afraid the infection has spread to Europe now and since last week the situation has changed immensely. Since Friday all bars and restaurants are closed. There are no more lessons in schools, but there is a minimum of teachers to take care of children whose parents work in the medical service or take care of elder people. 

I work for a local community and last news is that we remain open and keep working. We have to avoid unnecessary meetings or reorganise them. And civilians are only allowed inside the building if they have an urgent appointment. 

But since today lots of companies decided to close for a certain period of time. It is expected that in the next few days more and more companies will have to close. I think that would be best, otherwise the virus can keep spreading. 

The prognosis is that we will only reach the peak in another month! So we are only at the beginning... 
We’ll have to wait and see what the future brings. 

KLM status is still the same at the moment. But now we are getting news that European passengers are put in a 2 week quarantine when arriving in China. We’ll just have to be patient I guess and see what happens. 

Meanwhile we hope to stay healthy and that we can keep working. 

I’ll keep in touch once the situation changes. 


Take care and stay healthy !


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 17, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Sandy Ching

Sandy Ching

Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Thank you Tracy. I do hope you, your family and friends are doing well. I hope we will be able to travel next year. Until the, stay happy and healthy.

Sandy Ching

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 17, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy


Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Yes, thanks Catherine. We are currently stranded in the US and trying to get back to Canada. Glad to hear things are stabilizing in China as that’s what we have been hearing. Only getting started here so a long road ahead.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 17, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Hello Lily, 

We are hanging on in Guam we start to have firs cases of Corona Virus, so probably it will keep us busy for next few month, we hope this global health crisis resolve by July and vaccine that is being tested in Washington State will be available in August or September and we all return to our regular lives. We are excited to visit China next year, as we have many places to see. Hope you doing well its a though time for all of US but things will get better eventually 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 17, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Audeen Faller

Audeen Faller

Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Dear Echo,

You are so kind to provide us with this timely information. I have been concerned about you and the wonderful guides and drivers we met through you, as well as the entire population of China. I am so glad to hear that you are well.

I have the greatest admiration for the Chinese people who have come together to contain this virus. The people of the United States are just now recognizing the dangers of coronavirus so schools and restaurants in our state have been closed. Ken and I are isolating ourselves at home. Hopefully, our country will learn from yours and be able to stop the escalation of this disease.

I will forward your e-mail to family and friends. Thanks so much for reaching out to us to show us your caring by providing us with invaluable information from people who have lived through it.

Best wishes,

Audeen Faller

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 17, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Echo


Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Hello Lily, 

We are hanging on in Guam we start to have firs cases of Corona Virus, so probably it will keep us busy for next few month , we hope this global health crisis resolve by July and vaccine that is being tested in Washington State will be available in August or September and we all return to our regular lives . We are excited to visit China next year , as we have many places to see . Hope you doing well its a though time for all of US but things will get better eventually 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 8, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the information. It is perfectly fine and I can understand why it will be a slow process.

So glad to hear that the situation has improved in China. Here in US we are just starting. But I am confident that this will be over. And I will be able to visit China again.

Please take care. It must be a very difficult time for you and the company. But I am sure we will all recover from this and come out stronger.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 17, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Mark


Reviewed on March 17, 2020

Hi Rita. You are very kind for your advices.

As you can read in internet, all Europe is blocked. Italian government was the first to introduce strong restrictions to try to stop the infections. Italy is the first country for the number of deads, more than 2 thousands. At the moment the infection continues, unfortunatly. Doctors say it takes other 2 weeks to reach the pick. Our government established by law to remain at home, everybody. We can go out  shopping for foods only, possibly with masks( I have some), with one meter of distance. Now there is a strong control to make people respect the law, big fines for offenders.

These restrictions until 3th April. Anyway it is very hard . 

I red China is getting better and I hope you don't have problems.

We are fine at the moment. I will inform you about recent news later.

Thanks and greetings.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 5, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on March 16, 2020

dear Tracy

thank you for remembering of us.

Our contemporary art exhibitions in Beijing and Xi’an have been delayed by Chinese and Italian authorities, but not cancelled.

Therefore, we must wait to visit China again, but we believe we could do it later on, hopefully in September next (provided we survive).

We will get in touch, as soon as we can.

Best regards


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy


Reviewed on March 16, 2020

Hello Lily

Thank you very much.

I am still out of China but should be back next month I think. Situation now is not good outside of China. 

Please take care!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 16, 2020


Hope you are well and surviving this crisis! I think China is a few weeks ahead of the US in dealing with this virus. We are just now beginning to experience the restrictions and "lock-downs". My husband and I were due to leave for Argentina and Chile this week but the trip was canceled by the tour company, wisely I think. I was in Thailand and Vietnam through January and watched the preparations for Chinese New year. Felt so badly for China when the virus ruined the holiday.

I hope that we will be finished with the restrictions by the summer and I will be able to make the trip. Meantime please take good care of your health. You are young, so better off than us old people!

Please stay in touch. I will keep you updated on events here. Just now, it is chaos!

Very best regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Tracy


Reviewed on March 16, 2020

Hi Tracy than you very much for your mail.

All of us are ok. We are at home as you did before us. But I think that everything will go well.

We hope to seeing you soon. A big hug to all of you.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Tracy
Irene Lephilibert

Irene Lephilibert

Reviewed on March 16, 2020

Hello Tracy,

Thank you for your kind mail with useful information.

We are ok, taking care, staying home and avoiding contact with friends and family!

Best regards

Irene Lephilibert

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy


Reviewed on March 16, 2020

Thanks Tracy ... all good on my end, hope u and your family good as well. 

It’s sad... now we can’t plan any overseas travel... 



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy
John and family

John and family

Reviewed on March 16, 2020

Hi Tracy,

Thank-you for your email and information on how to approach preventative measures it is very much appreciated.

Hopefully you in China are coming out of the worst of the impact of the virus now which is small comfort for all the families effected by it. We in Europe now are heading into a very dark place with us where China was back in mid-January – with our Governments now realising they have to undertake very drastic action with their people.

We in the UK are just today moving to business where they can work from home - with big events and gatherings now cancelled. We are about 1-2 weeks we think behind where Spain and Italy find themselves - with them now entering total lockdown.

We are very grateful for how you in China have lead and showed us the way to handle the virus and see how the world can and has to learn form this on how to internationally together handle future situations better together.

For the future we would still love to travel and see China - but that is now not likely for at least 6 months I think – our Government in the UK now talking of the virus being “active” for at least the next 6 to 9 months….

Best regards

John and family

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy
Judy and Geoff Washington

Judy and Geoff Washington

Reviewed on March 16, 2020

Dear Tracy,

How lovely to hear from you again, and thank you for your thoughtful attachment of Covid-19 Precautions. They will be useful.

How have you been since the outbreak in China? – I do hope you and your family and colleagues have managed to escape and are well. You were all very much in our thoughts. The school my son-in-law was teaching at near Dalian did not re-open after the Chinese New Year, so he and my daughter and grandson went to Kuala Lumpur for 2 weeks then back to Australia. He has been teaching by Correspondence all this time - not easy with students all over China and around the world. However the school hopes to reopen physically at the end of March so Glenn returned to China and the school last Saturday for 2 weeks quarantine. Kerry and Ethan are staying in Australia until the end of the Summer holidays and hopefully will return to China then. Your country has been so strict and we hope that the downturn in cases continues to be effective and everything else returns to normal for you soon. 

We feel so much for those in the Travel industry who are the hardest hit. Is your company still operating? Do you still have work? What did you do during the outbreak. Our airlines and Travel agents are just beginning to feel it in the last two weeks. Our largest travel agency Flight Centre is very hard hit, not to mention the cruise ships. Our small town is dependent on tourism – we have dolphin and whale-watching boats, with busloads of visitors mainly from China and Korea. These are no longer coming and only one boat goes out each day.

We are so pleased that we were able to have the wonderful trip to Harbin that you organised for us - great memories! Glenn’s mother did not get to China - had to cancel the day before leaving Australia.

Our movement restrictions have only just started properly today – we have about 290 cases of Covid-19 in Australia to date.. Anyone returning from overseas has to be quarantined for 2 weeks.  I think this is just the beginning for us, however to date we are much better off than many European countries.  Congregations of people are being limited, and people are learning to be very careful.  They are not closing the schools or universities yet, unless a case of Covid- 19 is found in them.  Only 3 to date. It will be a day-to-day situation, as you will understand.  We have a 90-year old friend who left Spain on 10 March heading for Australia through Vietnam and then transiting in Singapore.  We wonder if he will get here (Singapore is stopping even transitting) and if he does he will have to go into quarantine!  We have advised him to consider postponing the remainder of his trip as he may not be able to return to Spain later.

Again, thank you for your thoughtful email and do let us know how you are faring.

With very best wishes

Judy and Geoff Washington

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 16, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy


Reviewed on March 14, 2020

Hi Zeva,

Thanks for Advise, you also take care of yourself. Hoping we will be in touch, after this episode. You have blessed time, till we contact again.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 14, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Zeva


Reviewed on March 13, 2020

Dear Lily,

Thank you very much for your concern and your kind words. These are indeed hard times for us.

As you know, my husband and I are physicians, we work in hospitals...We take care as much as we can, wear masks when we are in crowded places and wash our hands all the time.

I am very happy for you that things in China are going slowly back to normal. The Chinese people went though terrible times. It also gives us hope for the future.

Thank you again for your concern.

All the best,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 13, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Mickey Cohen

Mickey Cohen

Reviewed on March 12, 2020

Dear Lily,

I hope everything is ok with you and your family.

Attached is the official participation from the International Standardization Organization (ISO) of which I am a member and I spent 2 weeks in Wuhan and two weeks in Shenzhen and Beijing.

We remember the beautiful country and people and pray for good health to everyone.

Best regards,

Mickey Cohen

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 12, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 11, 2020

Hi Lily, 

thank you very much for your thoughts. 

Unfortunately, the situation in Milan and in Italia is not so good.... but I want to be optimistic !!!!  

Thanks again for your email


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 11, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 11, 2020


China is still on our list, but not at this time. We have canceled other trips until a later date. I will contact you when we start making our plans to visit China.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 9, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Zeva
Christopher Yeo

Christopher Yeo

Reviewed on March 9, 2020

Thanks Lily for your email.

Due to the outbreak of this corona virus many people have refrained from travelling and going on tours. 

Saddened to see airlines and many tour agencies are affected by the scare caused by this highly contagious virus.

We hope a vaccine can be found and things can return to normal.

Keep yourself safe and healthy to prepare for better days ahead.


Christopher Yeo

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 9, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 9, 2020

Dear Lily,

Thanks for the thought.

Yes, things are not going very well here, even if in the city where we live for now there are no big problems.

But China is an example and like you, we too will come out of it.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 9, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 9, 2020

Dear Catherine,

how can i not remember you Catherine, we spend an awesome time at Panda Base! I've been thinking about you a lot lately and i was relieved to read that you are doing well so far and that China is stabilizing.

Yes this virus is pretty bad, not only for health reasons also for all other factors that are involved (like economy). I can only imagine how seriously it affects business at China Discovery and i just hope, that economy recovers fast and you and your colleagues don't suffer long from the after affects.

Take care Catherine and thank you for your thoughtful e-mail.

Best regards


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 9, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on March 9, 2020

Hello Zeva!

Unfortunately, we will not be visiting China this year. We are very sad. Our daughter was working in Shanghai but had to come back to the U.S. so we will not be visiting her there.

If we decide to plan a trip to China in the future we will certainly contact you.

I hope you remain healthy!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 9, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Zeva


Reviewed on March 9, 2020

Hi Zeva,

Thank you for your email.

We are being advised not to travel at all in 2020 because of the virus still being a bit of an unknown.

Thank you for your help. We have your details and will be in touch when travel looks less risky.



Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 9, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Zeva
Roberto Bergoglio

Roberto Bergoglio


Reviewed on March 8, 2020

Dear Lily,

thanks for thinking of us. Unfortunately in Italy the situation is still worsening.

Hopefully it will improve so. However, we are doing well and our region is not among those most affected.

We hope to be able to make other trips soon.


Roberto Bergoglio

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 8, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Jennifer Cutillo

Jennifer Cutillo

Reviewed on March 8, 2020

Hi Lily, 

We have been thinking about you so much lately and I am sorry that I haven’t reached out to you sooner. I hope that this email finds you well and that you and your family are managing amid the difficult times currently in China. We met and were shown such kindness by you and so many wonderful people during the trip you arranged for us last summer and our heart breaks thinking of all the people that are or may be impacted by this virus. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all and hope that these challenging times will soon come to an end. If you have a quick moment to send me an email and let me know you are alright, I would so love to hear from you. For now, take good care!

Best regards,

Jennifer Cutillo

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 8, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 8, 2020

Hi Lily, 

We have been thinking about you so much lately and I am sorry that I haven’t reached out to you sooner. I hope that this email finds you well and that you and your family are managing amid the difficult times currently in China. We met and were shown such kindness by you and so many wonderful people during the trip you arranged for us last summer and our heart breaks thinking of all the people that are or may be impacted by this virus. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all and hope that these challenging times will soon come to an end. If you have a quick moment to send me an email and let me know you are alright, I would so love to hear from you. For now, take good care!

Best regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 8, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Lily
Bob, Betty and Joshua Butler

Bob, Betty and Joshua Butler

Reviewed on March 6, 2020

Hi Tracy,

Great to hear from you!  We have some diving and a cruise planned the last week of April to first week of May to Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire in the Caribbean which we hope is not cancelled. We are now completing a two week ski vacation in the local mountains, and we have gotten a good work out.  Just a couple days left and we'll consider winter over.  So far, so good here...we hope to be healthy and strong when the virus visits us.  It is not smallpox, polio, or ebola but some challenge is presented. You know best about is it affecting people you know? Panic is never productive, but, challenges must be faced, especially when unavoidable. I would be interested in how you and your friends are coping with coronavirus, perhaps I can learn from you. One thing I really like about Chinese culture and society is their interest in learning from others, which I hope to do the same with you.

Remember, our house is your house if you ever come to the USA. We are booked this year as we have another two week dive vacation planned at St Kitts in the Caribbean in November. Hope to show my wife some Wudang Tai Chi next time I visit, and my son is interested in Tibet, especially Mt Everest.  

Everything in God's timing, and we are always blessed to hear from you.

Bob, Betty and Joshua Butler

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 6, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy


Reviewed on March 6, 2020

Dear Catherine,

Thank you so much for thinking of me and the thoughtfulness of sharing these informative pointers!! It has been very worrisome with the ordeal of COVID-19 outbreak!

Foremost, I am so relieved to hear the good news of China’s progress with controlling the outbreak.  My heart goes out to those in Wuhan and pray for speedy recovery for everyone impacted by this.  The affected cases unfortunately have steadily increased in the US and our communities are trying to stay calm and battle what seems to be the inevitable outbreak.

Thank you again for thinking of us. Let us all come together and conquer the COVID-19!

My Best,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 6, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on March 6, 2020


Thanks for the update. Please stay safe and healthy. I will continue to say a prayer for your country. Also, please let me know when the situation improves. I do want to return.  


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 6, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Leo
Roberta Capovilla

Roberta Capovilla

Reviewed on March 5, 2020


I'm very happy to hear that in China became very day better!

Also in Italy arrive this virus but we live in the very north of Italy over 1450 slm higher and here there is no problems...

Now the school will be close for 10 days..I hope that with this strong measure also here in Italy we will be able to decrease the number of this virus!

I hope that you and your family are well, I hope that all over the world this virus become like zero and we return back to our normal life!


Roberta Capovilla

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 5, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily


Reviewed on March 5, 2020

Dear Catherine,

What a wonderful surprise to hear from you. We were saddened to hear about the outbreak of Coronavirus in China. We are glad to hear with the government strict measures, it has been contained and cases are decressing. I think of you often and still refer clients to you if they are traveling to China. Take a little break now, I’m sure there will be many tourist returning to visit your beautiful country. 

We were supposed to travel to Italy and France this week. But cancel due to fear of being stuck or quarantined in a foreign country. 

You take care too! 


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 5, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on March 5, 2020

Hi Lily.

My mother did enjoy her tour. I will probably contact you soon regarding a tour in Chengdu to see the pandas in the first few days of July, if the situation gets better! I am in Guangzhou, not Shanghai, but yes, I have been staying safe at home and not going outside very often. I hope you are also staying safe!


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 5, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Pong Ng

Pong Ng

Reviewed on March 5, 2020

Hi Catherine,

I actually have been thinking about you. I am sure you are taking great care for your health. Unfortunately your business must suffer as travels have slowed to almost nothing. I hope the rapid and effective response in China helps you and your guests recover faster than other parts of the world. We are doing fine here and not going anywhere much, including eating out etc. We hope to ride this put as best we can. We still want to visit our Chinese destinations one day. When the time comes closer we will contact you once again.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts about us.

Pong Ng

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 5, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Catherine
Alexander H

Alexander H

Reviewed on March 5, 2020

Hello Rita,

Thank you for helping me plan my trip to China. Unfortunately my trip to China in July 2020 was cancelled today because of the coronavirus outbreak. 

I am disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing the pandas in Sichuan but I know I will get a another chance to go to China when the virus subsides.

Thank you and kind regards,

Alexander H

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 5, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on February 26, 2020

Hi Lily

Just wanted to check how you are?

Of course this (and a lot of other trips) are on hold now.

Hope things get better very soon

Best wishes:


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: February 26, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily
Franca Bergoglio

Franca Bergoglio

Reviewed on February 24, 2020

Hallo Lily,

Last year, with my cousin Roberto Bergoglio and his wife Anita Maletto, I had with 'China Discovery' a nice holiday in China.
We remember well the beauty of the country and the kindness of our guides. 

We are now very sorry for the bad news from China and we hope that all of you is well. 

We are sure that these difficult moments will soon be over.

Cheer up!

Franca Bergoglio

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: February 24, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Lily



Reviewed on February 20, 2020

Dear Rita,

During this hard period of time in CHINA our hearts are with the people of CHINA.

We listen and watch the news and are deeply sorry for the terrible events in Hubei Province and we see with big sorrow the empty streets in Beijing and many other cities.

We are positive that the Chinese medical system together with the people will overcome the Corona virus Disease, but the cost of lives is very high.

We see that many people are afraid to go out of their homes, schools are closed and also all public places. Tourists are not coming, which is very bad for the Chinese economy.

My wife and myself love CHINA and the Chinese people. Although we do not know the Chinese language, we have found that we can quite easily communicate with the people in the street, in the train stations and in various places we have visited. The people are very helpful, trying to assist give direction and answer questions.

We are sure that we shall visit CHINA soon. My wife has visited China 6 times. I have been to China many more (over 30). First time in 1992.

We wish you Happy New Chinese Year. We hope life will soon get to normal.

We wish you and your family, friends and co-workers in your company to be in good health and happy in the days to come.


Love from Israel and from us personally

Nurit and Beny Arad

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: November 5, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Rita



Reviewed on February 16, 2020

Hi Echo,

You have been in my thoughts with the Coronavirus spreading throughout China. I hope that you and all of your family and colleagues are all ok.

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Echo



Reviewed on February 15, 2020

Dear Ms. Jiang:

We are your clients from Puerto Rico, who travelled with you last year. Greetings!

Just a short note to say Hello! and let you know we follow the news closely, concerned about your well-being!

Love and blessings!

Ivette and Rafael E. Vicéns

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Rita



Reviewed on February 13, 2020

Hi Catherine,

How is everything there with the coronavirus? Are you ok? I guess that now been winter and with all this, there is no much tourists?

I am glad to hear you are fine. And nice to hear from you.

Thank you very much, we would love to come back to your country, we still have many places to visit there.

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Catherine


USA, Ecuador

Reviewed on February 13, 2020


I am reading many upsetting things about the number of cases of coronavirus newly diagnosed, number of deaths, shortage of masks and I am sure many other things. There is concern for keeping the healthcare workers healthy, so they may continue to care for the sick. We hear of food shortage especially in certain areas.

I can only tell you that my thoughts are with you.  I prayed that the coronavirus would have burned itself out quickly right from the start.  I now pray that they can contain it as quickly as possible to stop the spread.

Although we have never met, or even spoken,  you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Lily



Reviewed on February 11, 2020

Dear Wonder,

Greetings from India. Hope everything is fine with you and your family and staff members in the current scenario. Take care.

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Wonder



Reviewed on February 11, 2020

HI Catherine,

I am glad you and your family are doing well and thank you for the updated travel itinerary.  We will head your advice and wait to apply for our visa’s. 

I am not an expert on contagions however, I do have expertise on how a country responds to such events.  I am now retired but one of my job responsibilities was to help Los Angeles prepare for such an event.  I understand the painful steps needed to stop the spread of 2019n-Cov and the brave efforts of your people. This is not the end of the world and will end sooner than you think.  I have also seen how far your country has come in responding outbreaks since the SARS outbreak of 2003/2003.

We truly look forward to visiting your country and traveling the silk road.


Take care,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on February 9, 2020

Hi Wonder,

Although we have never met in person you and your family are in our thoughts and hearts at this difficult time. We wish you safety and health.  Please know we are with you in spirit.


The Kusmierski- Parnell Family

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Wonder



Reviewed on February 4, 2020

Hallo Lily,

Last year, with my cousin Roberto Bergoglio and his wife Anita Maletto, I had with 'China Discovery' a nice holiday in China.
We remember well the beauty of the country and the kindness of our guides. 

We are now very sorry for the bad news from China and we hope that all of you is well. 

We are sure that these difficult moments will soon be over.

Cheer up!

Franca Bergoglio

Destination(s): Beijing, Xian, Guilin, Shanghai, Guangxi, Shaanxi, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: September 15, 2018
Trip Type: Traveled as Friends
Tour Customized by: Lily



Reviewed on February 4, 2020

Hi Lily,

Already quite some time back home I just wanted to say thank you for a trip well prepared and highly enjoyable. I enjoyed the tour guide very much, the activities, temples, palace, Lhasa old town etc. It was divers and very enjoyable.

I also like to wish you all the best in these difficult times with the Corona Virus and the effect it has on the country, the people and the tourist business. I hope it will be quickly contained so life will follow its usual path again.

All the best for you and your family!

Destination(s): Lhasa, Tibet, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: November 26, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Solo
Tour Customized by: Lily



Reviewed on February 3, 2020

Greetings Lily,

I have been thinking about you and everyone in China. I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. I wish you a safe, healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

Thanks to you for an incredible holiday.

All my best


Destination(s): Harbin, Heilongjiang, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Solo
Tour Customized by: Lily



Reviewed on February 3, 2020

Dear Wonder,

We hope you and your family are doing well. We understand this is difficult situation and we are praying for your country.


Best Regards.

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Wonder
Kim & Steve

Kim & Steve

Reviewed on February 3, 2020

Hi Wonder,

I hope you are well? We’ve obviously heard all about the virus currently in China – must be very worrying. And I expect you’re very busy with guests worried about their travel and looking to change/cancel their plans at the moment. We feel very fortunate to have travelled last year, or that would be us right now. We just wanted to let you know that we’re both thinking about you. We hope you, your family and colleagues all stay safe and well. China is such a wonderful country, we just hope they can contain and eradicate this quickly so life for you can get back to normal very soon.

Take care,

Kim & Steve

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Wonder
Wei Kwan

Wei Kwan


Reviewed on February 2, 2020

hi Catherine:

I understand.

We attended church in Singapore last Sat and the churches in Singapore are praying for China, and esp. for Hubei, the leadership. the medical team (and their families), the construction workers for the new hospitals, etc. 

Hope everything will turn out well...加油!

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Catherine


Reviewed on February 1, 2020

Hi Wonder,

Hope you are doing well. How is the baby? Hope you guys are not affected by Corona virus.

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Wonder



Reviewed on January 29, 2020

Hi Rita, how are you?

Many bad news are arriving in Italy. I know about the terrible virus, but what is the real situation?

I think the tourism , chinese and international, are in difficulty. Do you have problems with your job?

Are you OK in Chengdu?

Give me good news.

My best greetings.


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: September 2, 2019
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Rita


Reviewed on January 28, 2020


i am so sorry that this is happening. you have been so helpful. i hope you and your family stay well.

hopefully, we can reschedule our china trip in the fall.

best regards,


Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: March 28, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Families
Tour Customized by: Tracy



Reviewed on January 27, 2020

Hello Lily,

We arrived home. Thank you for amazing trip. We are very sad that we could not continue till the end

There is no way could do the Beijing trip when we were leaving and city was empty. We will see you next year probably in middle of next year. The corona thing is probably going to last couple of months.

No stress about refund. Stay safe. We monitor situation here and have meeting with CDC. The most important is hand washing. Don’t worry you are young and you will be OK.

We miss China already. We love this trip so much. Ohh we didn’t wish you happy new year. So we do it now.

Destination(s): Harbin, Heilongjiang, Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 20, 2020
Trip Type: Traveled as Couples
Tour Customized by: Lily
Angie and Avi

Angie and Avi


Reviewed on January 27, 2020

Hi Wonder

Avi and I talk frequently about the wonderful trip you arranged for us. 

We are worried about you and your family. 

We hope that you are well and safe. 

Take care! 



Angie and Avi

Destination(s): Coronavirus Disease Greetings
Date of Experience: January 1, 1970
Trip Type: Traveled as
Tour Customized by: Wonder

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