How to Travel from Hangzhou to Huangshan City and Yellow Mountain in 2024: Bullet Train, Driving or Cruise?

Both Hangzhou and Huangshan are top destinations in Yangtze River Delta Area. As the capital of Zhejiang Province and one of China’s old capital cities, Hangzhou attracts tourists with its dreamy West Lake which has been glorified by poets and emperors for thousands of years. While Huangshan, named after its visiting card – Yellow Mountain (Mount Huang), is another amazing place to explore natural wonders and traditional Huizhou culture.

Why Travel from Hangzhou to Huangshan

1. Two Destinations with Short Distance and Quick Transfer

With a linear distance of about 200km, Hangzhou is regarded as one of the best gateway cities to Huangshan. Transferring between them, you can not only enjoy the beauty of the two cities, but also experience a memorable journey on the way. There are several transportation means available to take you travel from Hangzhou to Huangshan, including high speed train, cruise, driving and long-distance bus. Among them, high speed train is the most-chosen and top recommended.

2. Two Destinations with Enough to See and Do

Both Huangshan and Hangzhou are two hot destinations have inspired lots of poets and arts to finish their poems spreading through ages. Especially West Lake and Yellow Mountain are two hot topics among literates from ancient times. In addition to West Lake and Yellow Mountain, there are still many attractions in Hangzhou and Huangshan deserving your more than one time's visiting. No matter you have interest in hiking, biking, photography or food, they can satisfy your taste.

Hangzhou to Huangshan Transfer Map

Hangzhou Huangshan Transfer Map

Hangzhou Huangshan High Speed Train

Railway Distance – 287km (178 miles); Train Duration: approximately 1.5 hours

High speed train features in speed, safety, comfort and good facilities, so it is travelers’ first choice to get from Hangzhou to Huangshan. Hangzhou Huangshan High Speed Rail is one of the top 10 most popular high speed railways in China. During your train journey, you can enjoy a enjoyable view of idyllic scenery of eastern China.

The present high speed rail connecting Hangzhou and Huangshan is a newly-built one. With a distance of only 265km, this railway make a Hangzhou Huangshan journey more convenient and efficent. The whole trips takes only 1.5~2.5 hours. Check more details at Hangzhou Huangshan High Speed Train.

● Hangzhou to Huangshan High Speed Train

From 07:15 to 21:54, there are over 40 daily high-speed trains departing from Hangzhou East Railway Station, Hangzhou West Railway Station, and Hangzhou North Railway Station to Huangshan North Railway Station and Huangshan West Railway Station at present. It is recommended to transfer from Hangzhou West or East Railway Station to Huangshan North Railway Station because Hangzhou North Railway Station offers low frequency and Huangshan West Railway Station is far away from Huangshan downtown which is not so convenient. The fastest high-speed train takes only 1 hour and 16 minutes.

From To Frequency (day) Operating Hours Duration Detailed Schedule >
Hangzhou East Huangshan North about 20 about 07:15-21:54 about 1.5 ~ 2.5 hours
Hangzhou West Huangshan North over 20 about 07:37-22:13 about 1.5 ~ 2.5 hours

Huangshan to Hangzhou High Speed Train

It is quite easy to get from Huangshan to Hangzhou by high-speed train as well. Huangshan also operates over 40 daily high-speed trains to Hangzhou. Usually, you can travel between Hangzhou and Huangshan within 2 hours.

From To Frequency (day) Operating Hours Duration Detailed Schedule >
Huangshan North Hangzhou East about 20 about 06:52-22:10 about 1.5~2 hours
Huangshan North Hangzhou West over 20 about 06:22-21:12 about 1.5~2 hours


Hangzhou East Railway Station (杭州东站)

Address: No.1, Tiancheng Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang (浙江省杭州市江干区天城路1号)

It is 11km (7 miles, about 40 minutes’ driving) to West Lake – the landmark of paradise-liked Hangzhou and 12km (about 40 minutes’ driving) to the city center of Hangzhou. Metro Line 1 can take you from West Lake and the city center to Hangzhou East Railway Station directly.

Hangzhou West Railway Station (杭州西站)

Address: National Highway 320, Cangqian Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang (浙江省杭州市余杭区仓前街道320国道)

As one of the key railway stations in the Yangtze River Delta area, it not only connects to other important lines but also offers fast and comfortable journeys. It’s located about 1 hour's drive to the world-famous West Lake. Metro lines, public lines, and taxis are available for you to explore the cities.

Huangshan North Railway Station (黄山北站)

Address: No.2, Yingkesong Road, Tunxi District, Huangshan, Anhui (安徽省黄山市屯溪区迎客松大道北2号– 黄山北站)

Huangshan North Railway Station is the only high speed railway station in Huangshan, about 15km (35 minutes’ driving) to the down town area, 42km (50 minutes’ driving) to Tangkou Town (at the foot of Mount Huang) and about 60km (1 hour and 20 minutes’ driving) to Hongcun Village. No metro is operated in Huangshan but there are frequent buses running from Huangshan North Railway Station to downtown and different scenic attractions like Mount Huang, Hongcun Village, Xidi Village, etc. Check more details about Huangshan North Railway Station.

Hangzhou East Railway Station

Hangzhou East Railway Station

High-Speed Trains from Beijing

Huangshan North Railway Station

Hangzhou to Huangshan (Qiandao Lake to Shendu) Cruise

Cruise Distance – 66 km (41 miles); Cruise Duration: approximately 4 hours

Want a relaxing cruise journey to Huangshan? Of course you can. It is available to travel to Qiandao Lake (千岛湖) first and then take a cruise from Qiandao Lake to Shendu Town in Huangshan.

Qiandao Lake, also called Thousand Island Lake, is a freshwater lake located in Chunan County of Zhejiang Province. Just as its name suggests, it is a beautiful place with lots of small islands in the background making the scenery very impressive. You can take a cruise or a private yacht along the Xinan River to Shendu Town (深渡镇) in Huangshan. The distance between Qiandao Lake and Shendu is 66km (41 miles) and the cruise takes about 4 hours. There are 2 daily cruises from Qiandao Lake to Shendu Town (departing at 06:30am and 12:30am) and another 2 from Shendu Town to Qiandao Lake (departing at 07:40am and 11:30am). Cruising on Qiandao Lake, travelers can be immersed in the tranquility. As the cruise enters Huangshan, some Hui-style building with white walls and gray tiles will come into your sight. If you travel in late March and early April, you get an opportunity to admire a sea of golden rape flowers. In ancient times, the merchants in old Huizhou (present Huangshan) take a ship to Hangzhou and surrounding cities to do business or back home in this way. So you can not only feast on the enchanting landscape along the river but also imagine how Huizhou people leave their home to make a live.

Qiandao Lake – Shendu Town Cruise Schedule

Route Departure Time Duration
Qiandao Lake - Shendu Town 06:30a.m. about 4 hours
12:30p.m. about 4 hours
Shendu Town - Qiandao Lake 07:40a.m. about 4 hours
11:30a.m. about 4 hours

Hangzhou to Qiandao Lake Port

Qiandao Lake Port is about 160km (99 miles) away from Hangzhou and driving between them cost about 2.5 hours. In the early morning (06:20 ~ 07:10), several bus stations operate buses to Qiandao Lake Port, including Huanglong Sports Center (黄龙体育中心), Wulin Square Hanghzou Mansion (武林广场杭州大厦) and Wushan Square Tourists Distributing Center (吴山广场旅游集散中心) .

Shendu Port to Huangshan

Shendu Port is located in Shendu Town of She County, 50km (34 miles, about 50 minutes’ driving) to Tunxi Old Street (downtown of Huangshan City). If you want to use public transport means, you can take a bus to She County first and take another bus to Huangshan City.

Qiandaohu Shendu Cruise

Qiandao Lake - Huangshan Cruise

Hangzhou to Huangshan Scenery

Scenery Seen from the Cruise

Qiandaohu Lake

Peaceful Qindao Lake

Shendu Port in Huangshan

Shendu Port in Huangshan

Hangzhou to Huangshan Bus or Driving

Driving Distance – 235 km (146 miles); Driving Duration: approximately 3.5 hours

Driving from Hangzhou to Huangshan is also available. The driving distance between Hangzhou and Huangshan reaches about 235 kilometers. The driving takes about 3.5 hours usually. Some travelers prefer use a private car from some travel agencies. If you want economical trip, you can choose to take a long-distance bus. There are nearly 15 regular long-distance buses transferring from Hangzhou to Huangshan and over 20 buses from Huangshan to Hangzhou as well. Most of them running between Hangzhou West Bus Station (杭州西站) - located in No.357 Tianmenshan Road Xihu District (杭州市西湖区天目山路357号) and Huangshan Bus Terminal (黄山客运总站) – located in No.31 Qiyuna Avenue, Tunxi District (黄山市屯溪区齐云大道31号).

Hangzhou Huangshan Driving Map

Hangzhou Huangshan Driving Map

Hangzhou to Huangshan Bus Schedules

From To Depature Time Duration Price
Hangzhou West Bus Station
Huangshan Bus Terminal
06:50 about 3 hours ¥90.00
07:50 about 3 hours ¥90.00
08:40 about 3 hours ¥90.00
09:40 about 3 hours ¥90.00
10:20 about 3 hours ¥90.00
11:20 about 3 hours ¥90.00
11:50 about 3 hours ¥90.00
Huangshan Scenic Area
08:00 about 5 hours ¥112.00
09:50 about 5 hours ¥112.00
Huanglong Distribution Center
Huangshan Tunxi
08:10 / ¥90.00
Huangshan Scenic Area
07:40 / ¥100.00
Hangzhou Bus Center Station
Huangshan Tunxi
08:30 about 4 hours ¥90.00
Hangzhou Chengzhan Bus Station
Huangshan Scenic Area
06:50 about 4.5 hours ¥90.00
Hangzhou North Bust Station
Huangshan Tunxi
10:50 / ¥90.00

Huangshan to Hangzhou Bus Schedules

From To Depature Time Duration Price
Huangshan Bus Terminal
Hangzhou West Bus Station
07:10 about 3 hours ¥90.00
08:00 about 3 hours ¥90.00
08:40 about 3 hours ¥90.00
09:30 about 3 hours ¥90.00
10:10 about 3 hours ¥90.00
11:20 about 3 hours ¥90.00
12:30 about 3 hours ¥90.00
13:40 about 3 hours ¥90.00
14:40 about 3 hours ¥90.00
15:40 about 3 hours ¥90.00
16:00 about 3 hours ¥90.00
16:50 about 3 hours ¥90.00
17:50 about 3 hours ¥90.00
Huanglong Distribution Center
09:30 about 3 hours ¥90.00
Yansi Bus Station
Huanglong Distribution Center
07:40 about 3 hours ¥75.00
08:10 about 3 hours ¥75.00
08:50 about 3 hours ¥75.00
09:25 about 3 hours ¥75.00
10:10 about 3 hours ¥75.00
13:10 about 3 hours ¥75.00
Hangzhou West Bus Station
14:20 about 3 hours ¥75.00
Huangshan Scenic Area
Hangzhou West Bus Station
16:00 about 4.5 hours ¥85.00


Please Note: All the schedule information is only for your reference and they might change, be free to contact us for the up-to-date information.


How to Travel from Hangzhou to Huangshan

You are suggested to spend at least 5 days touring Hangzhou and Huangshan with a high speed train experience.

How to Plan a Hangzhou Tour

Hangzhou is ancient capital city with lots to explore. A classic Huangzhou tours takes 2 ~ 3 days usually. On Day 1, you can visit Six Harmonies Pagoda to get a panoramic view of Hangzhou City firstly. Then go to Hefang Street – an ancient pedestrian street and don’t miss the Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Huqing Yu Tang. On Day 2, appreciate the beauty of the highlighted West Lake which is full of arched bridges, tree-lined walkways, beautiful gardens… Next, visit Lingyin Temple to feel the Chinese Buddhist atmosphere and Mejia Dock Dragon Well Tea Village and China National Tea Museum to explore the tea culture.

West Lake Dreamy West Lake in Hangzhou

How to Plan a Huangshan Tour

Usually, a Huangshan tour takes about 3 ~ 4 days. Yellow Mountain is the essence of Huangshan. It can be divided into Front Mountain, Back Mountain and West Sea Grand Canyon. The Front Mountain features sublime peaks, interesting stone paths and far-reaching views. The Back Mountain is famous for idyllic smaller peaks and shapely pine trees. In West Sea Grand Canyon, there are many odd-shaped rocks resembling different figures. It is recommended to spend 2 days getting amazed by Huangshan's natural beauty. Then you can explore one or more Huizhou typical ancient villages, like Hongcun Village and Xidi Village – both listed in UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites.

If you want to discover Huangshan and Huizhou better, you can explore more villages (like Nanping, Bishan, Mucheng, etc.) in more ways (like hiking, biking, hot spring, photography or rural living experience).

West Sea Grand Canyon West Sea Grand Canyon
Travel from Beijing to Huangshan South Lake in Hongcun Village

Travel with China Discovery

Booking a private tour package which covers sightseeing, dining and transfer from us, no matter which kind of transportation you choose, your private tour guide and driver will pick you up at the place directly (railway station, port or hotel). Then you can get rid of hustle of public transportation and troublesome navigation and just focus on sightseeing.

If you have more questions about transfer between Hangzhou and Huangshan, please feel free to Contact Us and our professional travel consultants are here ready to help!

Huangshan Mountain

Travel Huangshan with China Discovery

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