Xishuangbanna to Kunming Trains: Schedule, Ticket & Fares 2025
Xishuangbanna with 13 ethnic minorities is attractive with strong tropical flavor and Southeast Asian Feeling. After a great experience in Xishuangbanna, travelers may travel to Kunming for an extending tour or a more convenient way to leave. It is available to take a train or flight to get to Kunming from Xishuangbanna, and train is more recommended because of the comfortable environment. Xishuangbanna Railway Station operates about 25 daily high speed train to Kunming Railway Station or Kunming South Railway Station, and the whole train trip takes 3 ~ 4 hours.
Below is the updated Xishuangbanna to Kunming train timetable with detailed train number, train times, train ticket classes and prices, stations, etc.
- Train No.
- Departure / Train Staiton
- Duration
- Seat Type / USD Price / Availability
Note: Train information is subject to final confirmation due to the delay of data occasionally.
Keep Reading on Highlights in Kunming and Xishuangbanna
- Kunming Stone Forest
- Kunming Green Lake
- Kunming Western Hills
- Bird and Flower Market
- Kunming Golf
- Jiuxiang Cave
- Dongchuan Red Land
- Luoping Rapeseed Flowers
- Xishuangbanna Attractions
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