Xian to Taiyuan Train Schedules, Tickets and Stations

Xian has many high speed trains to Taiyuan for your choice. Running at a very high speed, the trains need only about 3-3.5 hours to take you from Xian North Station to Taiyuan South Station. And every day, over 20 D trains are departing to Taiyuan from around 06:30 to around 19:50. Please check the updated and newest Xian to Taiyuan train schedule to start you Xian Taiyuan tour!

Referential Currency: RMB=1USD
  • Train No.
  • Departure / Train Staiton
  • Duration
  • Seat Type / USD Price / Availability

Note: Train information is subject to final confirmation due to the delay of data occasionally.

Xian to Taiyuan High Speed Train Route

Xian Taiyuan high speed railway is approximately 579km long. This high speed railway links the two cities with very convenient transfer and really short time. Besides, there are also some other stops on the way, such as Weinan North, Yongji North, Yuncheng North, Houma West, Linfen West, Huozhou East, Lingshi East, Pingyao Ancient City, so you could also disembark to enjoy the Pingyao Ancient City or other places by the Xian to Taiyuan train. Please check the detailed train route map at below!

Xian North Railway Station (西安北站)

Location Yuanshuo Road, Weiyang District, Xian (西安市未央区元朔路).

Xian North Station is around 20km away to Xian downtown and needs around 1 hour to arrive by local taxi. Also, local Metro Line 2 can take you to the city center, the Bell Tower, and many other places for about 30 minutes. To go to the Terracotta Warriors Scenic Spot, it usually takes around 1 hour. Besides, you could also choose airport buses, local public buses, etc. to your ideal places in Xian. Learn more about Xian North Railway Station >

Taiyuan South Railway Station (太原南站)

Location: No.31 Nongke North Road, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan (太原市小店区农科北路31号).

There is temporarily no subway in Taiyuan city so far. From this station, you can transfer by taxi, buses, etc. Usually, to the city center, it takes about 25 minutes by car with a driving distance of about 8 kilometers. Besides, you could take a taxi to Jinci Temple and the Coal Museum of China for nearly 30 minutes, to Twin Pagoda Temple for about 18 minutes, and so forth.

Note: if you have any questions about the local transfer and train stations in Xian and Taiyuan, please directly contact our Travel Consultant for help!

High Speed Train Tips

Class of Ticket

On high speed trains from Xian to Taiyuan, there are two kinds of tickets are provided, including First Class Seat and Second Class Seat. Second Class Seat is the most budget level you will share a row space with other passengers. First Class of Seat is more comfortable and quiet for those who prefer a good rest on the way. Check all types of seats on China high speed train>

Book, Collect, Alter and Cancel

Foreign tourists can book train ticket online or ask help from ticket agency, or buy the tickets physically at the train station with your valid passport. One thing you should remember is to book the ticket as early as possible, especially in peak tourist seasons. After collecting the tickets, please read carefully about the train number, departure date and station to make sure you won’t miss the train. If you want to cancel, alter your train tickets, you are required to bring your passport to the ticket counter and make the adjustments. Check details about How to Book, Collect, Alter, and Cancel Train Tickets>

Board & Get off

1) Prepare your documents well (valid passport with China Visa); 2) Get to the right train station in advance; 3) Collect train tickets; 4) Read your train ticket; 5) Pass the security control; 6) Pass through Security & Luggage Checks; 7) Find the right waiting room; 8) Cross the ticket checking gate; 9) Get to the right platform; 10) Get on your train. Keep the ticket well, because the ticket will be checked again to leave the station after you get off. Check details about How to Board & Disembark a Train>

Baggage Allowance

China train travel with luggage is much easier than taking flight, for you don’t need to check luggage separately. Each passenger with a train ticket is allowed to carry luggage in certain weight and volume, but without limitation of amount and types. Though there are written regulation and rules about the luggage allowance, in practice, passengers can take as much luggage as you can if only you handled them properly. Check detailed Baggage Allowance & Policy to Take China Train>

Facilities and Service

All high speed trains in China are equipped with advanced facilities and good service to make your journey more convenient and comfortable. There are different places you can put your luggage onboard, racks and specialized luggage storage areas. Besides, the air-conditioner train offers you plug under the seats to charge your phone or laptop, sightseeing window to view the outside scenery as well as western-style toilets. There is also available dining area you can get some supplies. Bilingual signs and the broadcast use both Chinese and English so that you don’t need to worry about the communication. Check All Facilities & Service on China Train>


Recommended High Speed Train Tours

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