Jiuzhaigou to Emeishan Trains: Schedule, Ticket & Fares 2025

Huanglongjiuzhai Railway Station is located approximately 1.5~2 hours' drive from Jiuzhai Valley, and about 40 mins' drive away from Huanglong National Park. After your Jiuzhaigou tour, you can take a high speed train from Huanglongjiuzhai Railway Station to Chengdu, Leshan, etc. Below is the updated Jiuzhaigou to Emeishan timetable with detailed train number, train times, train ticket classes and prices, stations, etc.

Referential Currency: RMB=1USD
  • Train No.
  • Departure / Train Staiton
  • Duration
  • Seat Type / USD Price / Availability

Note: Train information is subject to final confirmation due to the delay of data occasionally.


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