Guilin to Beihai Trains: Schedule, Ticket & Fares 2025
Below is the updated Guilin to Beihai train timetable with detailed train number, train times, train ticket classes and prices, stations, etc.
guilin(桂林) - beihai(北海)
- Train No.
- Departure / Train Staiton
- Duration
- Seat Type / USD Price / Availability

Note: Train information is subject to final confirmation due to the delay of data occasionally.
Top Attractions in Guangxi
- Li River
- Elephant Trunk Hill
- Reed Flute Cave
- Daxu Ancient Town
- Lingqu Canal
- Yao Mountain
- Yulong River
- West Street
- Moon Hill
- Xingping Ancient Town
- Xianggong Hill
- Impression Sanjie Liu
- Yangshuo County
- Longsheng Rice Terraces
- Ping’an Rice Terraces
- Jinkeng Rice Terraces
- Longji Ancient Zhuang Village
- Huangluo Yao Village
- More Attractions in Guilin
- Zuojiang Huashan Rock Art
Extending Readings for Guangxi Travel Planning
- Activities in Guilin
- Guilin Transportation
- Yangshuo Transportation
- Longsheng Transportation
- Guilin Maps
- Yangshuo Maps
- Longsheng Maps
- Weather in Guilin
- Guilin Hotels
- Guilin Travel Guide
- Yangshuo Travel Guide
- Longsheng Travel Guide
- Beihai Travel Guide
- How to Plan a Guilin Tour
- Guilin 72-hour Visa-free
- Biking in Yangshuo
- All Guilin Travel Articles
- Popular Guilin Tour Packages
- Beihai Travel Guide
Recommended Guangxi Tours
Top 3 Guangxi tours chosen by most customers to explore Guangxi in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.
4 Days Guilin Highlights Tour (Li River, Yangshuo & Longji Terraces)
Guilin / Yangshuo / Longsheng
5 Days Beihai & Weizhou Island Vacation Tour
Beihai / Weizhoudao / Beihai
3 Days Weizhou Island Beach Tour
Beihai / Weizhoudao / Beihai
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