Changsha to Chongqing Trains Schedules, Fares, Stations 2025

Changsha and Chongqing are only 5.5 hours or so away by bullet train. Every day, there are about 9 high speed trains running from Changsha South Railway Station to Chongqing West Railway Station. The train journey needs about 5.5~6 hours. You can find bullet trains in the morning and also the afternoon. You can check the real-time train schedule of Changsha to Chongqing below to get more details.

changsha(长沙) - chongqing(重庆)

Referential Currency: RMB=1USD
  • Train No.
  • Departure / Train Staiton
  • Duration
  • Seat Type / USD Price / Availability

Note: Train information is subject to final confirmation due to the delay of data occasionally.

China Train Travel Tips

Class of Ticket

You can usually choose from the First Class Seat, the Second Class Seat or Business Class Seat on the high speed trains. While, there are three types offered on the normal train, including Soft Sleeper, Hard Sleeper and Hard Seat. learn more >>

Book, Collect, Alter and Cancel

Foreign tourists can book train ticket online or via a ticket agency, or buy the tickets physically at the train station with your valid passport. Train ticket alteration and cancellation are only available at ticket counters. learn more >>

Board & Get off

1) Prepare your passport and China Visa; 2) Get to the right train station at least 30 mins in advance; 3) Collect your train ticket; 4) Read your train ticket; 5) Pass the security control; 6) Pass through Security & Luggage Checks; 7) Find the right waiting room; 8) Cross the ticket checking gate; 9) Get to the right platform; 10) Get on your train. learn more >>

Baggage Allowance

Passengers don’t need to check luggage separately. Each passenger is allowed to carry luggage in certain weight and volume, but without limitation of amount and types. learn more >>

Facilities and Service

All high speed trains in China are equipped with advanced facilities and good service, including luggage racks, air-conditioner, power socket, dining car, hot water, etc. learn more >>

How to Plan your Chongqing Tour

After reading top 10 things to do in Chongqing, I beat you have already learned more about Chongqing. Now, it’s time to plan your Chongqing tour. Chongqing is the starting or ending point of Yangtze River cruise. The cruise tour is the best way to enjoy the splendid view of the Three Gorges and experience different lifestyle of people who lived alongside the river. Yangtze River Cruise is a must take if you are visiting China. Before or after your Yangtze relaxing tour.

☛ 4 Days Chongqing Essence Tour with Yangtze Cruise

If you only have limited time, but want to explore the mountain city, spend 1 or 2 days to explore city downtown, 1-2 hours to walk through the Ciqikou Ancient Town, try local public transportation Rail Transit Line 2 to experience the thrill of crossing a building, overlook the distinct confluence line of Yangtze River and Jialing River, visit China’s national treasure pandas, immerse in the colorful night.

☛ 1 Day Chongqing Short Stay Tour

If you plan to stay several more days, strongly recommend you to visit two UNESCO World Heritage spots in Chongqing. Wulong Karst National Geology Park touring usually needs at least two days and Dazu Rock Carvings needs at least one day to explore.

☛ 3 Days Chongqing & Wulong Karst Landscape Exploration Tour

☛ 2 Days Chongqing Highlights Tour with Dazu Rock Carvings

If you have more questions and have your own ideas for your Chongqing tour, you can contact us directly or cutomize your trip with us.

Yangtze River Cruise Yangtze River Cruise
Chaotianmen Dock Chaotianmen Dock

Recommended Chongqing Changsha Tours

Top 3 Chongqing Changsha tours chosen by most customers to explore Chongqing Changsha in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.

Peter's Family enjoyed a leisure break on Yangtze River Cruises

4 Days Chongqing Essence Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang

Our customer Lone took a photo with a Yangtze River Cruise

7 Days Chongqing Yangtze River & Zhangjiajie Tour

Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang / Zhangjiajie


6 Days Zhangjiajie, Fenghuang and Changsha Tour

Zhangjiajie / Fenghuang / Changsha

Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once inquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.

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